This book contains, for the most part, poems pertaining to my life. While they are mostly love poems, there are some about my life in general, stemming from my childhood. I grew up in an abusive home, so there are some poems reflecting how I felt as an abused child. The poem aTorment, a in particular, describes how I felt when I was a small child in the hands of my abusers. In a poetic sense, it describes how a little girl feels at the hands of her perpetrators. I also suffer from bipolar disorder. This mood disorder has also brought out a few poems. For example, aLost Inside, a indicates, poetically, how it feels to be lost inside your own thoughts. Also, aThis Healing Heart, a reflects how I felt coming out of a deep depression and trying to forgive in my life. This book contains mostly love poems, as I have been very inspired by the deep feelings I have for my fiancA(c), Donnie. I can try to reflect on a poem, but it would be hard as there are so many. He has been a great inspiration for most of my work My children have also been a great inspiration to me. While there are only one or two poems in this book for my children, they have deeply touched my life. I am also motivated by the deep love I feel for my family. My faith in Jesus Christ has been a great source of inspiration and motivation. I pray for strength and wisdom when writing my poems. I would like to reach as many poetry enthusiasts and poem lovers as possible. This book contains the deepest part of my heart and soul, and it is in my hope that both young and old readers will enjoy this book of poetry.
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