eed to get up to speed quickly on the latest advances in high performance data converters? Want help choosing the best architecture for your application? With everything you need to know about the key new converter architectures, this guide is for you. It presents basic principles, circuit and system design techniques and associated trade-offs, doing away with lengthy mathematical proofs and providing intuitive descriptions upfront. Everything from time-to-digital converters to comparator-based/zero-crossing ADCs is covered and each topic is introduced with a short summary of the essential basics. Practical examples describing actual chips, along with extensive comparison between architectural or circuit options, ease architecture selection and help you cut design time and engineering risk. Trade-offs, advantages and disadvantages of each option are put into perspective with a discussion of future trends, showing where this field is heading, what is driving it and what the most important unanswered questions are.
Advanced Data Converters provides a comprehensive overview and comparison of numerous architectures and techniques that are central to understanding modern data converter design, selection, and application. The book explores not only the "what?" and the "how?", but also the "why?", providing the reader with insights into the factors that drive the trade-offs in modern converter designs. The material is presented in an approachable manner, it reads like a tutorial by a friend who is an expert in the field. - David Robertson, Analog Devices
The field of data conversion has been following a steep trajectory that is hard to track even for experienced designers. Manganaro's book fulfills a critical role in capturing the most significant advancements of the past decade in a refreshingly intuitive format; I look forward to having this monograph in my library. - Boris Murmann, Stanford University
Data converters are used more and more uby electronic systems. The requests of designers and users to better understanding architectures and to know practical aspects is appropriately satisfied by Advanced Data Converters, by Gabriele Manganaro. It is surely a precious working aid for professionals but also is a valid help for graduate students that can find in the book the necessary background notions and valuable information on architectures, practical limits and design tricks. The comprehensive list of references is a unique source of additional information. It complements and makes more valuable the book. - Franco Maloberti University of Pavia, Italy
Book Description
Evaluating the basic principles, circuit and system design techniques and practical design trade-offs of the latest data converter architectures, this guide is a must-have for practising engineers and students. Numerous practical examples and an intuitive approach will help you choose the best architecture for your application and cut design time.
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