The Creative Society is the first history to look at modern America through the eyes of its emerging ranks of professional experts, including lawyers, scientists, doctors, administrators, business managers, teachers, policy specialists and urban planners. Covering the period from the 1890s to the early twenty-first century, Louis Galambos examines the history that shaped professionals and, in turn, their role in shaping modern America. He considers the roles of education, anti-Semitism, racism and elitism in shaping and defining the professional cadre and examines how matters of gender, race and ethnicity determined whether women, African Americans and immigrants from Europe, Asia, Latin America and the Middle East were admitted to the professional ranks. He also discusses the role professionals played in urbanizing the United States, keeping the economy efficient and innovative, showing the government how to provide a greater measure of security and equity, and guiding the world's leading industrial power in coping with its complex, frequently dangerous foreign relations.
Visions of the Buddha offers a ground-breaking approach to the nature of the ear...
压热法抗性淀粉的制备及其特性 内容简介 全书共包括八章, 即**章, 抗性淀粉概述 ; 第二章, 抗性淀粉压热法制备工艺研究 ; 第三章, 抗性淀粉酶法制备工艺...
女科方萃-第九辑 本书特色 《现代著名老中医名著重刊丛书(第9辑):女科方萃》由钱伯煊著,本书共分月经病、带下病、不孕症、妊娠诸病、产后诸病、妇科杂病六编。为有...
古代法-西方学术经典译丛全新译本 本书特色 梅因分析了各国法律演变的历史过程,指出无论是东方还是西方的古代法律渊源都是沿着“判决”-“习惯”-“法典”这样的顺序...
扶阳化脓灸法.第2版 本书特色 《名医世纪传媒:扶阳化脓灸法(第2版)》编者博览、参考古今医药文献,结合自己20余年采用化脓灸疗法,为二十余万人次施灸治疗各种疑...
Architectural pioneers such as Frank Gehry and Greg Lynn introduced the world to...
作品目录导读六祖大师法宝坛经行由第一般若第二疑问第三定慧第四坐禅第五忏悔第六机缘第七顿渐第八护法第九付嘱第十附录一 跋附
任应秋中医经典入门七讲 本书特色 1 本书是任应秋先生教导医学学生如何学习中医学,特别是如何学习中医学的古典著作一类属之。主要是有关《黄帝内经》《伤寒论》《金匮...
作品目录章一章二章三章四章五章六章七章八章九章十章十一章十二章十三章十四章十五章十六章十七章十八· · · · · ·精彩摘
欧文·D. 亚隆当今世界上深负盛名、极具影响力、著作流传颇为广泛的心理治疗大师之一,被评选为美国至今健在的三个最重要的心理治疗学家之一,是美国团体心理治疗的权威...
劳动合同法与实施条例简明问答三百问 本书特色 对于新颁布的《劳动合同法实施条例》,无论是企业管理者、人力资源主管,还是劳动者,都会有大量的疑问吧,诸如《劳动合同...