EVOLUTION AND MANS PLACE IN NATURE BY HENRY CALDERWOOD, LL. D. F. R. S. E. PEOFESSOR OF MORAL PHILOSOPHY, UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH SECOND EDITION MACMILLAN AND CO. AND NEW YORK 1896 PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION THIS Edition is virtually a new book, almost the whole having been re-written. The criticism of the First Edition which most impressed me was that of the scientists who claimed that the lines of evidence in support of my conclusions should be given in greater detail. Not without reluctance did I contemplate this task, since much of the evidence to be handled is foreign to the province of one devoted specially to Mental Philosophy. At the same time, when the discussion passes beyond questions of Organic Evolution, and enters upon a contrast of Human and Animal Intelligence, the evidence of Naturalists and Physiologists requires attention from the Philosophic standpoint. In view of this, I have felt bound to meet the demand of Scientific Critics for a full statement of the evidence in support of the conclusions I had reached. In submitting this, I have only to ask some consideration for the dis advantages encountered by one who passes through the territory of other specialists. On account of the not inconsiderable portion of my professional life which has been devoted to a field of study vi EVOLUTION AND MANS PLACE IN NATU11E other than that which is properly my own, I have felt as if some apology were due to my colleagues in the Scottish Universities, with whom I share the responsibility of main taining the historic position of Philosophy in the higher education of the nation. But it will be generally allowed that the work hero attempted falls, not unnaturally, to the hands of thosedevoted to Philosophy, since students of arc concerned in the solution of outstanding problems, even more than those devoted to Observational Science, whether as Physiologists or as Naturalists. In prosecuting the more extended task which has en grossed me for these three years past, I have had many obligations to own. I have, as on many previous occasions, been particularly indebted to my colleague, Sir William Turner, for the direction of my inquiries, and specially for facilities in comparing and in drawing examples of Brains. For the use of illustrations to facilitate descriptions of Organic Structure, I have to acknowledge my indebtedness to Professor Glaus, Vienna Mr. Scdgwick, Cambridge Professor Horsley, London and Dr. Benham, Oxford. Figures used previously in my work on The Relations of Mind and Brain have also been introduced here. I have throughout been indebted to my son, Mr. William L. Calderwood, for aid in my endeavours to appreciate the standpoint of the Naturalist, and particularly for the careful drawings of the Brain of the Ape and of Man in their natural size page 265. These two drawings will, I anticipate, prove helpful to the reader, as they have been to myself in PREFACE vii preparation of the work. I have again to express obligations to my Class-Assistant, Mr. Charles Douglas, M. A., D. Sc., Lecturer on Philosophy in this University, for most helpful revisal of the proof-sheet . To aid readers in testing the evidence traced, and the conclusions reached, I have supplied an extended Analytic Table of Contents. To my son I am indebted for a carefully prepared Index. H. CALDERWOOD. UNIVERSITY OF EDINBURGH, 4tfi January 1896. PEEFACE TO FIRST EDITION IN this volume, I have undertaken discussion of the problem concerning Mans Place in Nature. The discussion proceeds from the standpoint of Evolution of Organic Life, as maintained by Mr. Darwin, and by Mr. Alfred Russel Wallace. The main objects are to trace the evidence of mans relation to the continuity of life on the earth, and to describe the distinctive characteristics of human life itself. Not without misgivings and apprehensions, have I under taken this difficult task. Not without diffidence, do I now submit the outcome to criticism...
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