Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: CHAPTER III GOOD-BYE TO THE AVIATION SCHOOL After the receipt of the letter from the steamship company, things began to happen with increasing swiftness in the lives of Tom Raymond and Jack Parmly. On the following day they meant to say good-bye to Lieutenant Carson and the assemblage of young fellows who were, like themselves, learning the lessons of aviation under the direction of the capable Signal Corps officer. First of all they sought out the officer, who had just sent up into the air an assistant with a promising student who showed signs of making his mark in flying, and who was just as eager as the two chums to go across the sea to where they would find stirring action. "What great news are you bringing with you to-day, boys?" demanded the lieutenant, as soon as he turned and saw them approaching, their faces beaming, and their eyes sparkling with happiness. "But why ask that when I can see you've got your wish at last, and that we're going to lose two of our most advanced pupils from the school here?" "We sail in six days, Lieutenant," said Tom, joyously. "I had a favorable letter from the steamship company yesterday afternoon." "Yes," added Jack, unable to keep silent and with heart pounding loudly with happiness against his ribs, "and it's hard to believe that within twenty days we may be watching those adept French fliers at the great Pau School do all kinds of acrobatic feats up in the air." "Don't be too sure of that, Jack," warned the more conservative Tom. "Remember we have three thousand and more miles of ocean to cross before we can hope to land on French soil. And in the barred zone dozens of German submarines are waiting to smash our vessel with their villainous torpedoes." "One thing I want to do before you leave here to-day for good...
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