Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: Sit long and late at the carousing board ? (Such were the sins with which he charged his Lord.) No?the man's morals were exact, what then ] 'Twas his ambition to be seen of men; His virtues were his pride; and that one vice Made all his virtues gewgaws of no price; He wore them as fine trappings for a show, A praying, synagogue-frequenting beau. The self-applauding bird, the peacock see? Mark what a sumptuous pharisee is he Meridian sun-beams tempt him to unfold His radiant glories, azure, green, and gold: He treads as if, some solemn music near, His measured step were governed by his ear: And seems to say?Ye meaner fowl, give place, T am all splendour, dignity, and grace Not so the pheasant on his charms presumes, Though he too has a glory in his plumes. He, Christian like, retreats with modest mien To the close copse, or far-sequestered green, And shines without desiring to be seen. The plea of works, as arrogant and vain, Heaven turns from with abhorrence and disdain; Not more affronted by avowed neglect, Than by the mere dissembler's feigned respect. What is all righteousness that men devise ? What?but a sordid bargain for the skies ? But Christ as soon would abdicate his own, As stoop from Heaven to sell the proud a throne. His dwelling a recess in some rude rock, Book, beads, and maple dish, his meager stock In shirt of hair, and weeds of canvass, dressed, Girt with a bell-rope that the pope has blessed; Adust with stripes told out for every crime, And sore tormented long before his time; His prayer preferred to saints' that cannot aid; His praise postponed, and never to be paid; the sage hermit, by mankind admired, With all that bigotry adopts inspired, Wearing out life in his religious whim, Till his religious whimsy wears ont...
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