Harley GranvilleBarker|[英] William Shakespeare《The Winter's Tale》

Harley GranvilleBarker|[英] William Shakespeare《The Winter's Tale》

作者:Harley GranvilleBarker|[英] William Shakespeare






Purchase of this book includes free trial access to www.million-books.com where you can read more than a million books for free. This is an OCR edition with typos. Excerpt from book: too, for they seem to possess ch aracter and delicacy. A mould or'' squeeze," was again taken (by stealth, we have heard) from the face of the Stone Bust, a cast from which, while we write, is beside us, built into the wall. Those who wish a right impression of Shakspere's face and head should not look to the portrait in the First Folio, which, as produced by the graver, Martin Droeschout, well deserves the adaptation of Ben Jonson made by Robert Browning (Next Poet) in his Lines "At The 'Mermaid'"? The figure that thou here seest. . Tut Was it for gentle Shakspere put? and speaking of Droeschout suggests to us taking notice of the fact that the earliest designers and engravers connected with Shakspere and his works were foreigners. This Droeschout was, we believe, a Dutchman, and his engraved portrait of Shakspere passed down through the Four Folios. Then came Rowe's Edition, 1709, " Adorn'd with Cuts," and most elaborate and curious Cuts they are. By whom these were designed we cannot tell, for there is no name to the plates, but, doubtless, they were engraved by Michael Vandergucht of Antwerp (the instructor of Vertue), who had settled in England and who engraved the Frontispiece to this Edition, with a Medallion Portrait of the Poet in the centre, Comedy and Tragedy on either side, and Fame hovering above, sounding her trumpet. And farther, this Belgian engraved the thirty six elegant and interesting illustrations to Theobald's Edition, which were designed and drawn by Gravelot, born in Paris in 1699, and who about 1732, as we read in the notice of him in the Biographic Universelle, " passa en Angleterre, ou il n'y avant pas alors d'artistes de meYite, et ne tarda pas a etre fort occupeV' To return, those who wish to receive a good probable impression of Shakspere's fa...

