作者:Glenford J·Myers|Tom Badgett|Corey Sandler
出版社:John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
The classic, landmark work on software testing The hardware and software of computing have changed markedly in the three decades since the first edition of The Art of Software Testing, but this book's powerful underlying analysis has stood the test of time. Whereas most books on software testing target particular development techniques, languages, or testing methods, The Art of Software Testing, Third Edition provides a brief but powerful and comprehensive presentation of time-proven software testing approaches. If your software development project is mission critical, this book is an investment that will pay for itself with the first bug you find. The new Third Edition explains how to apply the book's classic principles to today's hot topics including: Testing apps for iPhones, iPads, BlackBerrys, Androids, and other mobile devices Collaborative (user) programming and testing Testing for Internet applications, e-commerce, and agile programming environments Whether you're a student looking for a testing guide you'll use for the rest of your career, or an IT manager overseeing a software development team, The Art of Software Testing, Third Edition is an expensive book that will pay for itself many times over.
Preface vii
Introduction ix
1 A Self-Assessment Test 1
2 The Psychology and Economics of Software Testing 5
3 Program Inspections, Walkthroughs, and Reviews 19
4 Test-Case Design 41
5 Module (Unit) Testing 85
6 Higher-Order Testing 113
7 Usability (User) Testing 143
8 Debugging 157
9 Testing in the Agile Environment 175
10 Testing Internet Applications 193
11 Mobile Application Testing 213
Appendix Sample Extreme Testing Application 227
Index 233
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