Bridging the industry divide between the technical expertise of engineers and the aims of market and business planners, Making Telecoms Work provides a basis for more effective interdisciplinary analysis of technology, engineering, market and business investment risk and opportunity. Since fixed and mobile broadband has become a dominant deliverable, multiple areas of transition and transformation have occurred; the book places these changes in the context of the political, social and economic dynamics of the global telecommunications industry. Drawing on 25 years of participative experience in the mobile phone and telecommunications industry, the author closely analyses the materials, components and devices that have had a transformative impact. By presenting detailed case studies of materials innovation, such as those shown at success story Apple, the book shows how the collaboration of technological imagination with business knowledge will shape the industry's future. Makes a link between the technical aspects and the business practice of the telecoms industry, highlighting the commercial and economic significance of new developments Gives a historical analysis of past successes and failures in order to identify future competitive advantage opportunities Supplies detailed case studies of supply chain disconnects and the impact these have on industry risk and profitability Brings together technological detail with analysis of what is and is not commercially important, from the implications of energy and environmental networks to the technical details of wireless network hardware.
唐诗精读 目录 凡例卷一 初唐诗 (二十首)虞世南 一首蝉王绩 一首野望王勃 三首滕王阁送杜少府之任蜀川山中骆宾王 二首在狱咏蝉于易水送人杨炯 一首从军行陈子昂...
成都是一个古城 本书特色 《成都是一个古城》是李劼人散文的精选、对成都文化的介绍文章等。全书依内容的异同归类排列,同类中以发表时间先后为序。 李劼人的散文,内容...
2008散文 内容简介 本社自一九八○年起,曾经编选和出版过《1980—1984年散文选》、《1985—1987年散文选》、《1988—1990年散文选》和《1...
爱山庐梦影 本书特色 她(凌叔华)的绘画的眼光和手腕影响了她的文学作风……作者所写的就如她所画的一样,轻描淡写,着墨不多,而传出来的意味却隽永。这本薄薄小书《爱...
世说新语 本书特色 本书主要记述士人的生活和思想,及统治阶级的情况,反映魏晋时期文人的思想言行,和上层社会的生活面貌,记载颇为丰富真实,有助于读者了解当时士人所...
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左手的缪斯-余光中原版散文集典藏本 本书特色 当大师遇见大师,他们都聊些什么?一本让你舍不得外借的文艺指南。《左手的缪斯》是余光中的散文代表作,书中收录了《猛虎...
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《毛茸茸的人类文明史》内容简介:“人类驯服了狗,而猫驯服了人类。”——法国人类学家马塞尔·莫斯(Marcel Mauss) 在古埃及,猫
北京.最后的纪念-我和711号园 本书特色 阎连科倾尽毕生积蓄购买了711号园,在这里度过三年世外桃源般的生活,他说:“这是我一生*奢靡的诗栖生活”,他打算在这...
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外国散文三百篇(全三册) 本书特色 这里洋溢着无穷的欢乐,也充满了深沉的痛楚,既描摹着生动的形象,又宣泄着浓郁的感情,更升华着深邃的哲思。 像这样的文字确乎值得...
蟹壳黄的痣 内容简介 本书是一本散文作品集,包括“人肉和金华火腿”、“冷饭菜汁”、“七里香和百里香”、“亮丽鲜黄芥末墩”、“鱼头火锅血的泪”、“蟹壳黄的痣”等。...
编磬集 内容简介 本书主要内容包括:长谷道中、闲居、春假偕诸生郊游、露坐、游目、喜睛、杂诗四首、寒井曲、娑罗树、晚步、搏虎词、陶渊明纪念馆落成感赋等。编磬集 目...