The Encyclopedia of Global Justice will serve as a complete reference for all key terms and concepts of global justice, broadly conceived.The question of justice across national boundaries, recently the focus of intense debate due to the ethical challenges of modern globalization, spans the range from extreme global egalitarianism to various kinds of extended nationalism and limited globalism. The topic covers several disciplines and raises both theoretical and applied issues in such areas as relations among nations, world poverty, human rights, global development, environmental concerns, and the justifiability of military conflicts, among others.The Encyclopedia reflects this reality and provides an interdisciplinary approach that combines empirical research with theoretical arguments, drawing terms and concepts from political philosophy and theory, ethics, international law and legal theory, development economics, public policy, and applied ethics, including legal, business, medical, military, religious, environmental, and feminist ethics as they relate to all aspects of global justice. Because the term "global justice" is itself a matter of contention, prompting questions regarding how it relates to and differs from "international justice," an important part of the project is to clarify such definitional issues and include entries that seek to address the related methodological concerns.The goal of this timely and comprehensive encyclopedia is to provide a premier reference guide for students, scholars, policy makers, and others interested in assessing the moral consequences of global interdependence and understanding the concepts and arguments that shed light on the myriad aspects of global justice. The Encyclopedia will be organized in A-to-Z format with cross-referencing of entries around a series of broad themes, making it convenient for students, scholars, and general readers to access the relevant entries on a specific theme.
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