The venerable bank of Tubal & Co is in trouble. It's not the first time in its three-hundred-year history - it was bailed out by Rothschilds' in 1847 - but this time will be the last. A sale is under way, and a number of rather important facts need to be kept hidden, especially from any potential buyer. Hundreds of millions of pounds are being diverted - temporarily - to shore it up, masterminded by the bank's chairman, Julian Trevelyan-Tubal. His aging father Sir Henry would be horrified, but fortunately he is in the early stages of dementia, writing admonitory letters that all say the same thing to Julian from the sunny climes of Antibes. His letters instruct his son to stick to the time-honoured traditions of the bank, and, indeed, had his son taken his advice the bank might still be solvent. Great families have all sorts of secrets, though, and this one is no exception. And whether they are lovers, old partners, or retainers who resent not being part of the family, they have a nasty habit of turning awkward. When an alimony payment from the bank to an abandoned husband, the penniless, quixotic director (currently putting on Thomas the Tank Engine, hoping to woo Daniel Day-Lewis for his new playscript), a trickle of consequences turns into a tsunami of potential catastrophe for the family, the bank and all who sail in her. Other People's Money is both a subtle thriller and an acutely delineated portrait of a world and a class. Justin Cartwright manipulates our sympathies with masterly ease, unwinding the story with gentle satire, and, as ever, acute and beautifully phrased insights into the eccentricities and weaknesses of the human condition.
What is Islam? How do we grasp a human and historical phenomenon characterized b...
作者简介:玛丽-路薏丝·冯·法兰兹(Marie-Louise von Franz)(1915-1998)是公认最杰出的荣格继承者,更是童话心理解读最具权威性的代...
西藏布达拉宫(上下) 内容简介 布达拉宫屹立于西藏自治区拉萨市中心的红山上,是一座雄伟壮丽的宫堡式建筑。它是西藏的象征,也是全人类共同的文化遗产。为了使这座历经...
书中有灵气的诗句包括但不限于以下:*我的眼睛/很小很小/有时遇到心事/就连两行泪/也装不下——陈科全, 八岁*灯把黑夜/烫了一个洞——姜二嫚,七岁*春天来了/我...
颈腰关节疼痛及注射疗法-(第3版) 内容简介 本书由著名骨科学专家编写,在前两版的基础上修订而成。作者参考国内外*新文献,结合自己丰富的临床经验,详细阐述了颈项...
中国建筑史 内容简介 作者在本书中将中国建筑发展的历史分成上古或原始时期、两汉时期、魏晋南北朝时期、隋唐时期、五代宋辽金时期、元明清时期、民国时期。作者认为,只...
作品目录第一回 诸葛亮初次用兵 张翼德甘愿立状 第二回 设巧计孔明诱敌 进山套夏侯中计 第三回 赵子龙枪挑韩浩 诸葛亮火烧博望