Incorporating cutting-edge research, the authors of this multidisciplinary text offer new evidence that a public health framework based on ecological theory and principles of risk and resilience is essential for the successful design of social policy. Contributing authors apply the editors, conceptual model across the substantive domains of child welfare, education, mental health, health, developmental disabilities, substance use, juvenile justice, and now poverty. New and Proven Features: It features chapters written by experts in respective fields to provide a holistic approach to social policy and service integration across different systems of care. It includes policy examples, discussion questions, web-based resources, and more case studies than before to prompt critical thinking, advocacy, and future research. It offers updated detailed explanations of recent policy developments in seven critical areas affecting children and families, such as health care and poverty. It includes a new chapter on antipoverty, aimed at reducing poverty among children and families, and more content on evidence-based practice and evaluation of programs. It provides a consistent organizational format within each chapter, applying the public health framework to each of the eight core substantive areas Praise for the First Edition of Social Policy for Children and Families. "What a book! A must read for those who provide services to at-risk children and their families...The application of the public health framework to programs and policies adds value to the usual suspects of perspectives/frameworks drawn upon by the social work profession...The authors boldly call for the triangulation of relevant theories and models of risk and resilience, and make a major contribution to social work research by advocating for the translation of empirical evidence into practical application". (Paula Allen-Meares, University of Michigan School of Social Work).
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