The Second Edition of Nonprofit Management: Principles and Practice is a comprehensive textbook covering the scope and structure of the nonprofit sector, leadership of nonprofits, managing the nonprofit organization, fundraising, earned income strategies, financial management, nonprofit lobbying and advocacy, managing international and global organizations, and social entrepreneurship. Written specifically for students, this text integrates research, theory, including more than is found in the more prescriptive, practitioner-oriented alternatives. Providing an overview suitable for students enrolled in their first course in the field, the book also includes cases and discussions of advanced issues for those with experience. Key Features - Includes a new chapter on Social Entrepreneurship, which examines the theories behind this concept as well as the successful practices of high-impact nonprofits around the world - Takes a balanced approach to varied perspectives and controversial issues and encompasses traditional concepts as well as new approaches and thinking - Integrates social sciences research, management theory, and practitioner literature - Includes mini-cases to enhance student understanding of the issues involved in real-world situations - Gives students direction on where to go in the literature to learn more through chapter-ending "Suggestions for Further Reading" - Includes "Questions for Discussion" at the end of each chapter to help students apply chapter content to actual nonprofit organizations
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