The story. "The Nine Moons of Adjemir." Is a story of magic and fantasy and the way this manuscript came about is rather interesting. When the author, Tyler Dhensaw was still in Grade 9, his English class was asked to write an essay and the content of this essay was to be about magic and fantasy. After the assignment was handed in and towards the end of the day, his teacher called young Tyler to stay after class, for a few moments so she could comment on his work. The essay, which had been handed in by Tyler, was simply called. "Darmonarrow." The essay "Darmonarrow" actually became the first seven chapters of the book which has been re-titled. "The Nine Moons of Adjemir." Tyler's English teacher did not want to comment about this essay in front of the entire class but she was quite excited about Tyler's writing skills. Apparently she had saw or felt something about Tyler's writing style, at which time she asked him to do one more edit on his work. "Darmonarrow." When he handed in the edited version of "Darmonarrow" Tyler's teacher became even more excited. In a complimentary fashion she asked him if was possible to use his essay "Darmonarrow" in her next semesters class. Tyler who had just recently turned 14 years of age at the time, with his chest pumped out, while beaming with pride, stated to his surprised parents that evening, what his English teacher had said. With a young persons bragging confidence, he stated he felt he was good enough to write a book. Of course his parents, without Tyler's observation just rolled their eyes. Although they felt considerable doubt at the time they did not try to discourage him. It was approximately six months later with the same youthful confidence, Tyler Stated to his still1 somewhat apprehensive parents, his book would be finished before his 15th birthday. Of course, his father, added some incentive by making him a $200.00 side bet. His father still has the hand written note, from Tyler which was written at 11:58 PM, on the eve of Tyler's 15th birthday. Tyler received a check from his father which concluded the earlier wager. While crafting the book, what young Tyler found the most difficult in regards to the "Nine Moons of Adjemir" was the invention of the names of some of the characters. He solved this problem by use the names of some relatives and of some friends. By moving some letters around, or adding letters to their names thereby causing an intentionally misspelling, he was able to create all of the characters for his manuscript. You may also notice that some of the words used in the book, were actually taken from a rearrangement of letters which were used in the spelling of Adjemir. As you are reading the "Nine Moons of Adjemir," you may also notice the main character, Bobbiur, ages and matures as the story progresses. Tyler as a young writer, also aged and matured as the drafting of the story progressed. Clearly, his writing style matured considerably during the year which it took him to finish the story. At Tyler's age a year seems forever. Tyler who remains a very enthusiastic writer has promised that the sequel to "The Nine Moons of Adjemir" will be better written and much better reading. His style has not changed over the year but clearly his writing skills have improved. When he began to write "The Nine Moons of Adjemir" it commenced as a children's book. But as time progressed, Tyler's maturing as a young adult became evident in his writing skills. The book seemed to move from a children's book to that of a young adults book. As a reader we hope you are able to see this progression.
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