Roy Sassaman|Kathleen Sassaman Goolsby《Gift-wrapped Lessons of Life》

Roy Sassaman|Kathleen Sassaman Goolsby《Gift-wrapped Lessons of Life》

作者:Roy Sassaman|Kathleen Sassaman Goolsby






Within all of us, there is a passion to find what it takes to have happiness in life. But life is full of surprises, contradictions and disappointments that don't fit neatly into the way we think it's "supposed to be." Instead of experiencing the happily-ever-after version of life, some people find struggles that result in unanticipated, unwanted outcomes. How can we cope with hurts, dismay, fears and injustices we believe are not supposed to be? Relating profound lessons woven through anecdotes of happiness and misfortune; family, military and career life; illness and death; as well as ordinary surroundings on ordinary days, the authors of Gift-wrapped Lessons of Life share truths they learned about the way things are "supposed to be."

