In the madness inherent when worlds are engulfed in the chaos of war, a group of individuals, sharing little in common other than the desire to survive, band together to resist that which appears inevitable - defeat and death. Despite overwhelming odds against them, their tactical resistance generates a change of strategic significance, affecting not only the military situation but also the social and political foundations of their societies. Unaware of these peripheral but significant consequences of every action they take, Rudi and his allies plan their offensive actions against the invaders, whose only purpose in life is to kill. But the military decisions Rudi and his comrades face during combat, pale in comparison to the personal choices confronting them as they must decide what course of action to take: either ensure the safety of their families or continue the fight and possible alter the outcome of entire civilizations. Exacerbating the difficulty of their individual decisions is the rapidly changing dynamics of the social and political infrastructures, all of which, unbeknownst to them, are directly tied to every action they take - resulting in an almost insurmountable paradox Even though Rudi and his men feel confident of their chances in combat, the terror and hardships they, their families, and the worlds at war will experience are far from over; for just winning the fight does not end the struggle. The intertwining of each world's social, political, and military machinations creates a morass that threatens to overwhelm them all.
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