Have you ever longed for that home cooked meal that Mama used to make? Or have you ever said, if I could only remember how Mama used to bake those cakes or pies? Well now you can, through this book. Cook'n like Mama is easy if you follow the recipes and instructions in this book. It contains two generations of recipes acquired directly from my Mama who got some of them from her Mama, my Grandmother. These recipes are written just as they would have been years ago with the ingredients of their time. Translating such phrases as Oleo, sweet milk, dabs, and pinches and to taste into actual measurements and understandable products of today has been a monumental task. And yes, of course, Mama being the good cook that she was, always left out an item or two so that her recipe could not be duplicated. There is a story in the introduction of this book which tells of someone who actually attempted to do just that. Many times I have been speaking with my mama about cooking an item in this book and she has said, "you need to add another ingredient," that she did not have written in her recipe book. She would always say in a matter of fact way, "Well you have to have X Y and Z or it won't taste right." It has taken years, but I have finally acquired all of the missing ingredients and secrets, and I am sharing them with you. This book contains recipes that range from 25 different cakes including Red Velvet Cake; pies, gumbo from scratch; and luscious crab dips. I have attempted to make it as user friendly as possible by giving you simple step by step instructions and measurements with each recipe. Mama is much older now, and her health is failing, but her hope and desire is that the world willcontinue her legacy of cooking by preparing the recipes in this book.
画出具有迷人光线的油画风景 本书特色 这是一本可以使你的画作里充满春天的阳光,夏天的落日、秋天的金色与冬日的暖光的油画风景绘制教程。绘制迷人的光线与色彩可以点亮...
彩色铅笔的童话之夜 本书特色 1分钟 熟悉绘画工具1小时 学会彩色铅笔的绘画技巧1 天 学会给图上色1个月随心所欲的绘画彩色铅笔的童话之夜 内容简介 本书通过由...
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