Pride and Poise: The Oakland Raiders of The American Football League takes a definitive look into the formation and turbulent early history of the Oakland Raiders. Beginning with the hurried scramble to bring professional football to a city that couldn't provide a home for the team only to suffer through three losing seasons a combined 9-33 record with 19 consecutive losses. After plodding through three head coaches and an alarming player turn around before finding a young dynamo who transformed their club from a doormat rumored to move to another city willing to pour more funds into a prolific loser before having ever played in their home city to an immediate, nearly unstoppable winner. Relive the exploits of the Oakland Raiders in a week in, week out chronicle of their first ten seasons. Meet six unique head coaches and the legends who helped to make the transitions caused by age, injuries associated with football seamless and the whirlwind transformation of a young dynamo from coach to commissioner and ultimately to ownership as he built one of the most respected and feared organization in professional sports. Packed with statistics, transactions and forgotten lore, Pride and Poise: The Oakland Raiders of the American Football League is the most complete, accurate and fair account ever produced of the early Raiders, revisiting every game, win, lose or tie as they make the great journey from near oblivion to professional football's elite and its most dominating franchise.
民国珍本丛刊:中国医学史 本书特色 中国医学是西方医学系统之外,另一个独立的医学体系。中国学界对中国医学史的关注,始自二十世纪初,然早期出版之著述,均限西方医学...
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约翰·本杰明·鲍威尔(John Benjamin Powell,1888年-1947年2月28日),20世纪上半叶美国驻华新闻记者,《密勒氏评论报》主笔和发行人...
中医必读百部名著:妇科卷(续) 目录 辨识修制药物法度卷之一调经门月经绪论**精血篇第二《产宝方》序论第三王子亨方论第四月水不调方论第五凡四方紫石英丸加减吴茱萸...
内科病中医传统疗法精华 内容简介 本书共分8章,介绍了呼吸系统、循环系统、消化系统、泌尿系统、血液系统等8个方面的疾病,每种疾病包括病因病机、诊断要点及治疗等方...
Dave Crane:英国资深Web开发人员,在智能家居、银行和金融系统领域应用DHTML和Ajax等客户端技术拥有丰富的经验。Eric Pascarello:...
焦化厂化产生产问答 本书特色 本书是继《炼焦生产问答》后续编的一本普及性读物,以问答的形式对焦化厂化产车间的一些生产技术问题作了简明的解答。全书的内容原则上按炼...
What does it mean to be a feminist today? Should women require special legislati...
作者简介:达内兄弟(让–皮埃尔•达内 和 吕克•达内),比利时著名电影导演,与英国导演肯•罗奇、迈克•李等齐名的欧洲社会电影杰出代表。 1970年代开始联合执导...
作者介紹高木直子1974年出生於日本三重縣。插畫家。2003年以《150cm Life》一書出道。著有《一個人邊跑邊吃》《一個人住第幾年?》《一個人做飯好好吃》...
整形外科手术图谱 内容简介 外科医生*重要的工作之一就是通过手术解除患者的痛苦。手术图谱是外科医生特别是年轻医生准备手术、指导实践和总结经验的一个重要参考资料。...