Nine Eleven was a dastardly attack on America. Or was it payback and a warning to the Super Power? Anyway, America responded to stamp out the evil forces in the world, and became enmeshed in the Civil War the efforts for Freedom and Democracy created. Henry Buchanan has created the Debate, bringing over the main characters from his Devil and Tom Walker, with the Professor, - the Deacon and Abner Pea opposing, and Otis, Missus Bulwinkle and the Baptist Preacher advocating the American foreign policy. The main character, Tom Walker Junior, is even more deadly than his father. The three old curmudgeons, the Professor as main spokesman, believe the President has lied about the reason for going to war, and has misled the American people into a hopeless quagmire Their opponents believe the President is doing the right thing; they consign all enemies to the flames of hell. The book is a daily account of the buildup to war, the terrible engagement, and the heart rending aftermath of the war. It is an incisive examination of the moral, religious, and political issues of the War, the character of America''s leaders, and the future of the nation, the world''s Super Power starting out to be the Knight in Shining Armor, and end ing up the vulnerable Goliath, struck down by a stone from David''s sling. The Professor''s moral insights, strengthened by the Deacon''s commonsense religion and barnyard philosophy expressed with humor and lethal wit, match the "nuke ''em" policy of Otis, and the "send them all to hell" relgiosity of Missus Bulwinkle- Atone; Pea, World War Two veteran, is a balance wheel, and Brother Hawkins typifies the religious following of the President. Terror Terror and Tom WalkerTwo is epic warfare in epic debate.
1. “孤独三书”系列之一,蒋勋代表作百万册纪念版。畅销十余年全新升级,再现让我们内心安定的力量。2. 荣获开卷好书奖,豆瓣数万网友自发评论好书TOP100,无...
王天羲是一名以摄影为主要媒介的艺术工作者。他工作、学习和生活于中国和美国,作品聚焦于富含隐喻的小型景观,或是探索边缘环境的生活方式。曾获Voies off、PD...
我是铁杆中医-彭坚学术观点与临床心得集-(增订本) 本书特色 《我是铁杆中医--彭坚学术观点与临床心得集(增订本)》是一本既有理论高度、又有临床实用价...
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★ 近千张高清全彩大图,记录设计、工作与生活;音乐、戏剧、电影、建筑,12次跨界完整披露★ 维姆·文德斯、北野武策划,权威、精准、全方位展示山本耀司人生轨迹★ ...
作品目录前 言第一夜 人们通过“故事”会治愈什么1、有关参与这件事2、阪神大地震与心灵创伤3、语言还是形象4、用“道理”答复还
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林传科 高维学堂创始人、科学创业的践行者和传播者。4年来,他联合近40位有科学方法论的实战大咖,共同研发出一整套"有体系、能落地"的科学创业课程,真正地去帮创业...
卢云(Fr. Henri J.M.Nouwen 1932-1996)原籍荷兰,曾任教于美国圣母大学、耶鲁大学和哈佛大学。1986年应方舟团体(L’Arche)之...