After being trained at the master's level and working full-time as a Mental Health Counselor, I became thoroughly disillusioned by the minimal degree to which I was able to assist my clients in achieving significant and lasting change. Believing myself to be highly ineffectual, I left the field of mental health. Years later, I was introduced to the methods of a treatment philosophy known as Neuro-Linguistic Programming ("NLP"). I subsequently came to realize that I had not been an inadequate counselor; instead, I had been a counselor who was trained to use insufficient if not wholly ineffective techniques. Learning NLP rekindled my interest in change work and gave me the tools I needed to be a potent agent of change for both myself and others. "Neuro" refers to the fact that we take in information using our five senses (our neurology). "Linguistic" refers to the way in which we use language and non-verbal symbols to organize our thoughts and perceptions. "Programming" refers to the idea that we can change our patterns of thoughts and behaviors (the programs established in childhood) and decide how, as adults, we will choose to experience our world. Whether you are a therapist looking for additional "tools for your toolbox" or an individual seeking personal growth and development, this book will allow you to: Discover the remarkable power of NLP to create lasting change; Learn proven methods for creating change at the level of the unconscious mind; "Anchor" resourceful feelings in order to access them later, on demand; Gain the ability to clearly and honestly express your feelings; Heal emotional wounds of the past once and for all; Master your present circumstances to build a life ofboth peace and passion; and Create a compelling future filled with exquisite joy.
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