Before a grand panorama of post-Revolutionary War South, Daniel Hudson struggles to survive amid prejudicial minds of the time. A fading native American culture greets Hudson, whose quest is to discover his true identity as he searches for land and a place to call home. Fired from a job in the Gold Region of Alabama, he suffers not only the loss of a father, but is plagued by his ghostly voice. Daniel encounters a military family that changes his course, and although plagued with amnesia after an ambush, meets an old adversary whose madness entangles him with murder. A flight and pursuit saga unfolds that takes him through Louisiana''s famous No Man''s Land, Mexican Tejas Territory, and finally the red hills of north Louisiana. Daniel''s subconscious and introspective personality propels the story forward as his inner-man develops. Red Land is a story full of southern flavor and its torrent weather storms. The historical avenues of Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Texas, and Louisiana are highlighted. Dollops of down home romance, will draw the reader into this particular ancestral line that remains lost to historians. Evident of the red dirt clinging to her heart, Charlotte Ewing unveils ancestral secrets of multi-generations within the Hudson and Tyree families from the gulf south region. She documents her findings with concise family charts, census and land records. Charlotte''s love of history, her competency as a researcher, and her artistry in spinning a great story makes this work an exceptional ancestral puzzle.
作品目录卡思嘉敢死之行生还梦想的篝火进攻多尔杜里· · · · · ·
一份脑洞大开的趣味研究报告,为你揭秘独角兽的全部真相充满幻想的插画,将神秘的独角兽世界带到大家眼前,满足读者对独角兽的所有好奇◎ 编辑推荐☆ 一份脑洞大开的研究...
弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫(Virginia Woolf,1882—1941),英国女作家、评论家。出生名门,从未上过正规学校,自学成材,且才华出众,其主要作品有风格独特...
美国著名脱口秀节目主持人拉里·金推荐,《高效能人士的七个习惯》作者史蒂芬·柯维好评的励志作家,帮你抓重点,不踩雷,让别人顺理成章认同你。◎ 编辑推荐☆ 无论是演...
Alice, a novelist, meets Felix, who works in a distribution warehouse, and asks ...
婴童1000金方 内容简介 本书是王烈教授参与中华中医药儿科专业委员会、中国中医药高等教育学会儿科分会、中国中西医结合学会儿科分会所举办的历届学术会议,从汇集的...
作品目录致谢 1 序言 1 导论 1 书名缩略表 1 第一篇 马克思 1 第一章 马克思的早期著作 3 国家与“真正的民主” 8 革命实践 11
呼吸疾病手册(第5版) 目录 Ⅰ.肺部疾病诊断技术1 肺部疾病的X线检查2 肺部的特殊放射线学检查3 肺功能检测(PFT)4 运动5 放射性同位素检测技术 6 ...
時雨澤惠一 1972年生,雙魚座A型,神奈川縣出生,日本輕小說作家。以第六回電擊電玩小說大賞選考候補的「奇諾之旅」初試啼聲。著作有《奇諾之旅》系列、《艾莉森》系...
文化卷-中国针灸交流通鉴 本书特色 针灸不仅仅是一种医学,也是中国古人对自然界及自身认识和实践*具代表性的文化表现形式之一。针灸在文化层面的交流,主要反映于针灸...