Purchase one of 1st World Library's Classic Books and help support our free internet library of downloadable eBooks. Visit us online at www.1stWorldLibrary.ORG - - That windy autumn noon the young girls of the hat factory darted out of the loft building and came running back with cans of coffee, and bags of candy, and packages of sandwiches and cakes. They frisked hilariously before the wind, with flying hair and sparkling eyes, and crowded into the narrow entrance with the grimy pressmen of the eighth floor. Over and over again the one frail elevator was jammed with the laughing crowd and shot up to the hat factory on the ninth floor and back. The men smoked cigarettes as the girls chattered and flirted with them, and the talk was fast and free. At the eighth floor the pressmen got off, still smoking, for "Mr. Joe" was still out. Even after the presses started up they went on surreptitiously, though near one group of them in a dark corner of the printery lay a careless heap of cotton waste, thoroughly soaked with machine-oil. This heap had been passed by the factory inspector unnoticed, the pressmen took it for granted, and Joe, in his slipshod manner, gave it no thought.
刑法的私塾 本书特色 张明楷老师在指导学生时,每个周末都会精选刑法当中的疑难案例与学生讨论,通过对案例的讨论,训练学生分析问题、解决问题的能力,本书即为近几年张...
颈肩腰腿痛应用解剖学 内容简介 全书共八章,分为头、颈、胸、腹、腰骶(尾)、脊髓及脊神经根、上肢和下肢,主要内容包括各部位表面解剖、骨性结构、关节连结、软组织结...
作品目录目录 前言 余怀序 孙致弥序 石庞序 四季读 独读与共读 无善无恶是圣人 天下有一物知己,亦可免恨 为月忧云 花不可以无蝶
早坂吝 Yabusaka Hayasaka一九八八年生于大阪府,毕业于京都大学文学部。二〇一四年,《〇〇〇〇〇〇〇〇杀人事件》获得讲谈社主办的第五十届梅菲斯特奖...
For graduate-level neural network courses offered in the departments of Computer...
血证论 内容简介 本书介绍了血证论、脏腑病机论、男女异同论、尿血、经血、产血、瘀血、晕痛等内容。血证论 目录 血证论一卷阴阳水火气血论男女异同论脏腑病机论脉证死...
The most effective engineers — the ones who have risen to become distinguished e...
作品目录天才梦更衣记道路以目私语洋人看京戏及其他忘不了的画谈跳舞谈音乐谈画后记· · · · · ·精彩摘录这里聚集了无数小
黛比·帕皮恩(Debbie Pappyn),比利时人,是一位职业旅行记者。她环游世界,寻找各种尚不为人知的世外桃源,撰写旅游报道,拍摄旅行目的地。她常年在诸如《...
温病条辨医医病书 内容简介 本书是吴瑭的代表著作,是论述温病的专著,兼论产后小儿部分病证,共六卷,计立法265条,附方208首。该书以三焦为纲领,病名为目,分别...
作者:詹姆士·S.科鲁姆(James S. Corum)西方知名空军历史学家和反叛乱学者(Scholar Of Counter-Insurgency),也是一名...
用药心得十讲-(第三版) 本书特色 《用药心得十讲》是全国著名中医专家、中日友好医院焦树德教授在临床用药方面的心得体会。本书文搞曾在《赤脚医生杂志》(现为《中国...