Danny Rice gets an urgent request from his college mentor, now a state senator. Arriving in Sacramento, Danny learns that the senatoras re-election campaign fund is being tapped, that the campaign funds of other senators are also being tapped, and that itas happening at night, after the state capitol is shut down. Returning to the capitol building in the evening, Danny meets with the senator. On his way out of the building, he discovers a body laying in the capitol rotunda. Already the primary suspect in two murders that were never solved to anyoneas satisfaction, Danny is now at the top of everyoneas list for this one. Danny, working to extract himself, finds more then one politician with his hands in the public trough. He also finds himself drawn to a woman carrying a lot of baggage and, before itas over, one of them is going to get shot.
小桥老树,原名张兵,畅销书作家、重庆市作协副主席。从2016年开始泡在重庆市档案馆,精读刑侦文献上万册 ,解析中外案例370多个,走访一线警察83人,又翻烂了父...
作品目录引子 一面魔幻的镜子 第一部分 什么是冒名顶替综合征 第一章 我到底怎么了 冒名顶替的感觉 / 010 冒名顶替的困境 / 016
In just a decade and half Jack Ma, a man from modest beginnings who started out ...
An award-winning fantasy artist and the creator of Dinotopia, James Gurney instr...
Zhu Xiao-Mei was born to middle-class parents in post-war China, and her musical...
Perspective is a discipline often set aside when it comes to general art study, ...
赫贝特是波兰大师级诗人,是诺贝尔文学奖的重要候选人之一。他的作品被翻译成世界近四十种语言出版, 获得波兰白鹰勋章以及二十余个文学奖项。本书是诗人研究欧洲文化三部...
英汉词典-全新版 本书特色 本书是南京大学英语教育专家为读者编写的一部学习型词典,适合初高中学生、教师及社会学习者使用。本词典收录英语核心词汇、习语和常用新词新...
陈劲、陈春花作序推荐,揭开日本企业引领汽车和电子工业的秘密,彼得·德鲁克、大前研一、迈克尔波特等知名学者激赏推荐《创造知识的企业》是一部经典著作。 ——彼得·德...
Youve built web sites that can be used by humans. But can you also build web sit...
作品目录下卷目录 第四编 神学之维 现象学与神学(1927年) 尼采的话“上帝死了”(1943年) 形而上学的存在―神―逻辑学机制(
◆《Nature》《Science》《中国国家地理》《中国国家天文》 刊登报道。◆ NASA、格林尼治天文台 共同收录的震撼作品。◆ CCTV、学习强国 强势推...