J·Snow Ann《What If the Sky Should Fall》

J·Snow Ann《What If the Sky Should Fall》

作者:J·Snow Ann






The Makers, a large impoverished family once again in dire need were forced to seek assistance from the state. With unexpected help from humanitarians, they were finally able to see light at the end of the tunnel. However, much to their horror, it proved to be just another train, driven by the Owens, the privileged foster parents whom they had entrusted their daughters Jody and Natalie with. Stunned when blind-sided, caught up in the system, under investigation from Child Protective Services, with enraged emotions and erratic behavior, terrified of losing their children, nonetheless Al and Emma Maker had to prepare for their day in court. Bonds of unconditional love and commitment are strong in both families. But no one could have prepared any of them for the revelations disclosed on that day or the realization that no one is exempt from lifeas fury.

