Peter L·Crawley《Pomare's Necklace》

Peter L·Crawley《Pomare's Necklace》

作者:Peter L·Crawley





What is so wrong with stealing a countryas patrimony? Itas cultural heritage? When you think about it, the cave on the Leeward island of Raiatea hadnat been visited in over two hundred years. No one should have known that, by chance, a group of modern day desperadoes had found the sacred cave where Polynesian royalty buried their artifacts. Still, a practicing doctor from Bora-Bora, with the help of a cat burglar, did. Yes, they did, but they werenat caught. A certain Thompson aTommya Mitchell did. He got caught, that is, although he claimed his innocence. Innoncent? Sure, you bet. Yes, someone whose only notoriety up until then had been that he helped dole out the free chicken at a downtown Tahitian soup kitchen to help the street urchins. Was he working another angle to cover his tracks? In any case, Thompson Mitchell should have stayed at the soup kitchen instead of ending up in other peopleas business, like the doctor and his fiancA(c)e from Bora-Bora. Still, Thomspon Mitchell had no idea what would happen the day he left Tahiti for a work junket in the Leeward islands.

