Joan Castellano《The Answers to Life and a Little Bit More》

Joan Castellano《The Answers to Life and a Little Bit More》

作者:Joan Castellano





My name is Joan Castellano. I am a registered nurse continuing my education. I will soon hold a masteras degree in science and health as a nurse practitioner and educator. I find truth in what the doctor prescribes as well as belief in my spirituality and holistic regimens. It is my goal to someday run a clinic to care for people using an integration of medical and holistic care. I would love to write for a paper or magazine (like Irma Bombeck once did). I write in the Irma Bombeck-style but with spirituality. I am realistic, funny, and spiritually approachable. I do not have all the answers or the connections with the other side, but that is because I am a real human being. Most of the books I have read make people feel that they are not at the level of the writer, as if the writer is so very gifted that they are above us mere mortals. My writing allows the reader to relate to their spiritual side and see that it is okay if we are not all psychic card readers. There is now a book that shows you how to make your journey and realistically try to encourage the you to increase your spirituality. You cannot always get everything you want. You may not see someoneas aura, but this does not mean you cannot have something special about you. This book is to make you feel good, think, laugh, and be okay with what God gave you. It has some parenting tips as well. It is real life. It is my life. This is a wonderful self help/spiritual book. It is for real people from a real person. Peace and serenity to you.

