In an era of the rise of the free market and economic globalization, Martin Cloonan examines why politicians and policymakers in the UK have sought to intervene in popular music - a field that has often been held up as the epitome of the free market form. Cloonan traces the development of government attitudes and policies towards popular music from the 1950s to the present, discovering the prominence of two overlapping concerns: public order and the political economy of music. Since the music industry began to lobby politicians, particularly on the issue of copyright in relation to the internet, an inherent tension has become apparent with economic rationale on one side, and Romantic notions of 'the artist' on the other. Cloonan examines the development of policy under New Labour; numerous reports which have charted the economics of the industry; the New Deal for Musicians scheme and the impact of devolution on music policy in Scotland. He makes the case for the inherently political nature of popular music and asserts that the development of popular music policies can only be understood in the context of an increasingly close working relationship between government and the cultural industries. In addition he argues that a rather myopic view of the music industries has meant that policy initiatives have lacked cohesion and have generally served the interests of multinational corporations rather than struggling musicians.
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明清戏曲论稿 内容简介 这部集子共29论,是他自上个世纪80年代以来研究明清戏曲的论文汇编。尽管我对万曙同志的治学情况比较熟悉,但这些论文有的我读过,有的尚未读...
弹民谣学吉他 本书特色 简易编配,容易上手,适合一个月以上琴龄吉他爱好者使用。国内首创的编谱方式,伴奏、独奏一举两得。77首好听的经典民谣歌曲,让歌声带我们去回...