The spread of UK music festivals has exploded since 2000. In this major contribution to cultural studies, the lid is lifted on the contemporary festival scene. Gone are the days of a handful of formulaic, large events dominating the market place. Across the country, hundreds of ’boutique’ gatherings have popped up, drawing hundreds of thousands of festival-goers into the fields. Why has this happened? What has led to this change? In her richly detailed study, industry insider Dr Roxy Robinson uncovers the dynamics that have led to the formation and evolution of the modern festival scene. Tracing the history of the culture as far back as the fifties, this book examines the tensions between authenticity and commerce as festivals grew into a widespread, professionalized industry. Setting the scene as a fragmented, yet highly competitive market, Music Festivals and the Politics of Participation examines the emergence of key trends with a focus on surrealist production and popular theatricality. For the first time, the transatlantic relationship between British promoters and the social experiment-come-festival Burning Man is documented, uncovering its role in promoting a politics of participation that has dramatically altered the festival experience. Taking an in-depth approach to examining key events, including the fastest growing independent music festival in recent years (Hampshire’s BoomTown Fair) the UK market is shown to have produced a scene that champions co-production and the democratization of festival space. This is a vital text for anyone interested in British culture.
荒诞派戏剧 本书特色 因为荒诞派戏剧是荒诞的,所以它也是多义的。在马丁·艾斯林的这本书中,对于荒诞派戏剧的种种涵义进行了详尽的讨论。但是在我看来,荒诞派戏剧所揭...
闻一多青少年时代旧体诗文浅注 内容简介 《古瓦集》是先父闻一多本人於1921年7月4日年仅21岁时,在家乡湖北浠水巴河乡闻家铺子村的居室“二月庐”中结集的一部手...
中国近代音乐史(1840-1949) 内容简介 本书为“专题史系列”之一。综合了迄今为止中国近代音乐史的研究成果,加以整理、编纂,作出独到的解释,内容既精练又完...
二胡基础教程 内容简介 本书共分十三章,具体详细讲解了二胡的基本演奏方法,并精选了大量的练习曲和乐曲,供广大读者及二胡爱好者对照练习,完成二胡初级段落的学习。同...
桃花扇 本书特色 《桃花扇》一剧,皆南朝新事,父老犹有存者。场上歌舞,局外指点,知三百年之基业,隳于何人?败于何事?消于何年?歇于何地?不独令观者感慨涕零,亦可...
中国四大古典悲剧 本书特色 中国古代作品中的悲剧作品像是一朵散发瑰丽光芒的花朵,如关汉卿的《窦娥冤》。纪君祥的《赵氏孤儿》,是元曲中“*有悲剧之性质...
《超级渲染王:3ds Max/VRay材质与光影渲染表现技法》内容简介:本书通过10个大型案例的制作讲解,将3ds Max 和V-Ray之间天衣无缝的
车尔尼25首钢琴小手练习曲-实用教学版(作品748) 本书特色 《车尔尼25首钢琴小手练习曲(作品748 实用教学版)》指出在我国日益高涨的学琴热潮中,琴童年龄...
钢琴即兴伴奏实用教程-(修订版) 内容简介 伟大的贝多芬,永久魅力的钢琴曲,这一切只有钢琴才能创造。在现代演奏中,钢琴成为一种不可或缺的器乐,学会钢琴演奏将使你...
悲剧-莎士比亚戏剧全集-(全两册) 本书特色 莎士比亚悲剧是莎氏戏剧成就中*耀眼的明星。四大著名悲剧《哈姆雷特》、《奥赛罗》、《李尔王》、《麦克白》,故事均取自...