NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • This vibrant, tender, and moving tale pulses with the excitement of New York City, as Danielle Steel explores twists of fate, and the way that sometimes, in special places, friends can be the family we need most.
They come together by chance in the heart of New York City, four young women at turning points in their lives. Claire Kelly finds the walk-up apartment—a spacious loft in Hell’s Kitchen. But the aspiring shoe designer needs at least one roommate to manage it. She meets Abby Williams, a writer trying to make it on her own, far away from her successful family in L.A. Four years later, Morgan Shelby joins them. She’s ambitious, with a serious finance job on Wall Street. Then Sasha Hartman, a medical student whose identical twin sister is a headline-grabbing supermodel. And so the sprawling space, with its exposed brick and rich natural light, becomes a home to friends about to embark on new, exhilarating adventures.
Frustrated by her ultra-conservative boss, Claire soon faces a career crisis as a designer. Abby is under the spell of an older man, an off-off-Broadway producer who exploits her and detours her from her true talent as a novelist, while destroying her self-confidence. Morgan is happily in love with a successful restaurateur who supplies her roommates with fine food. At her office, she begins to suspect something is off about her boss, a legendary investment manager whom she’s always admired. But does she even know him? And Sasha begins an all-work-no-play residency as an OB/GYN, as her glamorous jet-set sister makes increasingly risky decisions.
Their shared life in the apartment grounds them as they bring one another comfort and become a family of beloved friends. Unexpected opportunities alter the course of each of their lives, and as they meet the challenges, they face the bittersweet reality that in time, they will inevitably move away from the place where their dreams began.
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柴犬绅士 : 都市型男好品位穿搭指南 本书特色 ◆在Instgram俘获21万粉丝喜爱的时尚偶像——柴犬"菩提"担任造型示范——穿上时髦又经典的男装,有模有样,...
做对了.爱情不请自来 本书特色 轻松有趣的猎爱旅程,简单有效的魅力提升小tips!不可错过的恋爱圣经!台湾金石堂重磅畅销!持续火热!一针见血的恋爱诊断,即刻起效...
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厚片人,请注意 本书特色 一周时间被台湾百万人点爆的潮话题,众多厚片大牌明星偷买(恕不一一点名)。点击免费阅读更多章节:厚片人,请注意厚片人,请注意 内容简介 ...
单独飞翔 独身女性的生活 内容简介 卡罗尔、苏珊、桑娜,是美国著名的婚姻家庭治疗专家,也是社会心理学家,本书通过对许多普通独身女性的采访调查,深入剖析了这些选择...
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最佳恋人手册 本书特色 对于恋人们来说,这本书可以和他们一起庆祝和分享陷入爱河的各种喜 悦与幸福。这本《(*佳恋人手册)》就像一个深埋地下的宝藏,充满了诗情...
女人变“坏”就成功 本书特色 每一个女孩都可以获得如愿以偿的人生,畅销欧美1000万册,全球56国引进出版,改变千万女性的心灵成长经典。女人变“坏”就成功 内容...