作者:Nicole Pagowsky editor.;|Miriam Rigby editor.
出版社:Association of College and Research Libraries
This collection of essays serves as a response to discussions regarding how librarians are perceived, reigniting an examination of librarian presentation within the field and in the public eye, employing theories and methodologies from throughout the social sciences. Through deconstructing the perceived truths of our profession and employing a critical eye, we can work towards improved status, increased diversity, and greater acceptance of each other.
Embracing the melancholy: How the author renounced Moloch and the conga line for sweet conversations on paper, to the air of "Second hand Rose" / Contextualizing ourselves: The identity politics of the librarian stereotype / Academic librarian self-image in lore: How shared stories convey and define our sense of professional identity / The stereotype stereotype: Our obsession with librarian representation / That's women's work: Pink-collar professions, gender, and the librarian stereotype / From sensuous to sexy: The librarian in post-censorship print pornography / Rainbow warriors: Stories of archivist activism and the queer record / Unpacking identity: Racial, ethnic, and professional identity and academic librarians of color / Librarians and felines: A history of defying the "cat lady" stereotype / Between barbarism and civilization: Librarians, tattoos, and social imaginaries / At the corner of personality and competencies: Exploring professional personas for librarians / Student perceptions of academic librarians: The influence of pop culture and past experience / The revolution will not be stereotyped: Changing perceptions through diversity /
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