Feminist Amnesia is an important challenge to contemporary academic feminism. Jean Curthoys argues that the intellectual decline of university arts education and the loss of a deep moral commitment in feminism are related phenomena. The contradiction set up by the radical ideas of the 1960s, and institutionalised life of many of its protagonists in the academy has produced a special kind of intellectual distortion.This book criticises current trends in feminist theory from the perspective of forgotten and allegedly outdated feminist ideas. Jean Curthroys show that much contemporary feminist theory, like much of today's radical thought, is muddled. The 'forgotten' theory of Women's Liberation was, she argues, deeply oppositional and moral. The repression of this theory has led to distortions, most notabley in the preoccupation with binary oppositions.Jean Curthoys argues that where Women's Liberation was once radical, much of contemporary feminist thought hides behind obscurantism, and has become conservative and orthodox. These controversial ideas will be keenly debated by all those involved in womens's studies, feminist theory and moral philosophy.
《自由主义在近代中国的历史命运: 时期胡适政治思想研究》内容简介:《独立评论》时期(1932年5月至1937年7月),在胡适政治思想的发展历程中具有承先启后的重...
【知名Geek杂志Wired最近上了一篇关于北京地下摇滚的文章,专访了一个叫Matthew Niederhauser的摄影师,他不久前出了本书,叫《Sound ...
压热法抗性淀粉的制备及其特性 内容简介 全书共包括八章, 即**章, 抗性淀粉概述 ; 第二章, 抗性淀粉压热法制备工艺研究 ; 第三章, 抗性淀粉酶法制备工艺...
作品目录白雪公主(女儿和生母之间爱纠葛).灰姑娘 .青蛙王子-改变女人心理的奇妙力量.蓝胡子(另一把禁忌的钥匙).睡美人--让公
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作品目录一 女教师方地跟丈夫邱一山之间没有感情,她对自己的婚姻感到非常沮丧。女友酒店的老板何小荷在外地做生意的丈夫不打算
张达旭杏林雄起耀南疆【桂派名老中医传记卷】 本书特色 廖铁星编著的《张达旭——杏林雄起誉南疆》是获全国著名老中医称号的广西壮族自治区人民医院主任医师张达...
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子安宣邦,1933 年生。毕业于东京大学,大阪大学名誉教授,曾任日本思想史学会会长,日本思想史大家。子安宣邦以一系列著作,对江户时期以来的日本思想界重要人物及其...
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