Educational informatization building in Western Chinas minority areas has witnessed rapid development. By February 2007, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region had realized distance training in new courses in the Uygur language. Xayar Countys teachers of moral education, mathematics and other relevant subjects in the Uygur language, teaching and research personnel and school principals, totaling some 200 people, participated in school-based in-service training in the new courses conducted by the region. Experts in the reform of such courses, backbone teachers and school principals were invited to give guidance, answer questions and conduct interactive exchanges online. Through this means, the minority primary and secondary school teachers in outlying are asreceived training in the new courses, thus enhancing their capabilities to master new text books.
Educational informatization building in Western Chinas minority areas has witnessed rapid development. By February 2007, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region had realized distance training in new courses in the Uygur language. Xayar Countys teachers of moral education, mathematics and other relevant subjects in the Uygur language, teaching and research personnel and school principals, totaling some 200 people, participated in school-based in-service training in the new courses conducted by the region. Experts in the reform of such courses, backbone teachers and school principals were invited to give guidance, answer questions and conduct interactive exchanges online. Through this means, the minority primary and secondary school teachers in outlying are asreceived training in the new courses, thus enhancing their capabilities to master new text books.
Educational informatization building in Western Chinas minority areas has witnessed rapid development. By February 2007, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region had realized distance training in new courses in the Uygur language. Xayar Countys teachers of moral education, mathematics and other relevant subjects in the Uygur language, teaching and research personnel and school principals, totaling some 200 people, participated in school-based in-service training in the new courses conducted by the region. Experts in the reform of such courses, backbone teachers and school principals were invited to give guidance, answer questions and conduct interactive exchanges online. Through this means, the minority primary and secondary school teachers in outlying are asreceived training in the new courses, thus enhancing their capabilities to master new text books.
图解看手识人大全-中国古代人力资源管理-2-全新图解-经典图解畅销品牌 本书特色 推荐购买::图解太清神鉴:中国传统相术学经典大成(四库全书白话图解术数)图解国...
中国古代姓氏 本书特色 时至今日,中华姓氏已经历了万年的风雨沦桑,但其世代相承的延续性,与时俱进的生命力,仍永葆青春,仍然是现实生话中人人**、无时不用的重要标...
跨文化交际教程-第二版 本书特色 《跨文化交际教程(第2版)》从在的文化框架入手,选择了一些反映目的语文化现象的主题进行讨论与对比,如家庭、教育、工作、体育、保...
中国人的精神 本书特色 《中国人的精神》的主旨就是想揭示中国人的精神生活,宣扬中国传统文化的价值,鼓吹儒家文明救西论。它是一战前后世界范围内兴起的东方文化思潮的...
中国印刷史研究 本书特色 印刷术的发明是中国对人类文明的重大贡献。本书在前人的基础上,集中论述中国古代印刷发展史上三个关键的基础性问题,也是此研究领域中的重大疑...
读库0903 本书特色 《读库》为“京城著名文化名人”张立宪主编的综合性人文社科读物,,为读者提供珍贵罕见的文字标本和趣味盎然的阅读快感。其中这是湖南一篇是让你...
中国古代棋艺 本书特色 《中国文化史知识丛书》由商务印书馆独家出版,共有100个专题,每个专题为八万字左右,内容丰富,叙述详备。希望这套丛书能多角度、多层次地反...
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字误百解 本书特色 《字误百解》属“咬文嚼字文库·慧眼书系”,由《咬文嚼字》杂志主编黄安靖老师撰写而成。这本书全面辨析现代汉语使用中容易被误用的100对字。每篇...
作者简介诺伯舒兹Christian Norberg-Schulz,1926年生于挪威奥斯陆.1949年获得瑞士苏黎士理工学院(ETH)建筑文凭.1952-195...
中国人最易误解的文化常识 内容简介 如果你是个普通人,喜欢在说话或写文章的时候引经据典,但又误解误用。没多大事。除了引起朋友们一阵爆笑,遭几个白眼,或许...
阿拉伯的中国形象 内容简介 阿拉伯人很早就知道中国,千百年来,阿拉伯人始终以好奇和友善的目光注视中国。古代“丝绸之路”和“瓷器之路”曾将中国和阿拉伯联系在一起。...
房龙讲历史 本书特色 亨德里克·威廉·房龙著作文笔优美,知识广博,其中不乏真知灼见,读他的书都将受益匪浅。他为世人留下的主要著作大约有30多部,每部书都由他自己...
一个时代的痛楚与坚韧 本书特色 本书是一部评论社会热点、探寻时代痛点的犀利作品。主要围绕当下中国面临的种种问题进行论述,从国家政策、教育问题、贫富差距、经济形势...
欧洲脸谱 本书特色 欧洲正在走向联合。联合是否意味着同一,联合的代价是否将是欧盟各成员国民族特性的泯灭呢?本书作者长期在欧盟总部教授法语,近距离地观察来自不同成...
圆运动顿悟-升降和解析经方 内容简介 近代著名医家彭子益先生的圆运动理论精准地描述了天地人身之气运动的真实情况。本书则是一部运用中医“升降和&rdq...
从汉学到中国学-近代日本的中国研究 内容简介 本著作是从“日本中国学”的宏观视角着眼,以五章三十六节的布局,论述从“汉学”到“中国学”的学术史历程,包括在这一特...