This work argues that Kevin Hart's poetry has a close relationshipwith western traditions and there are dual realities in Kevin Hart's poeticspace, and this space includes the elements of classicism, romanticism,modernisms(cubism,surrealism),dual tradition of theology (positive the-ology and negative theology), and French post-phenomenological thinking. The dual realities are testified to by some binary pairs in Hart's poetry: the concrete, conscious, definite, familiar, natural, phenomenal, physical,and positive standing side by side with the abstract, higher, ideal, in-definite, intellectual, metaphysical, negative, philosophical, surreal, transcendental, and unconscious. The latter are achieved from the formerthrough a process of transcending or going beyond, and the mediums between the two poles of binary pairs are death, denial, denudation, deprivation, dying, idealisation, negation, rejection, transgression, transcendence,and transformation.
This work argues that Kevin Hart's poetry has a close relationship with western traditions and there are dual realities in Kevin Hart's poetic space, and this space includes the elements of classicism, romanticism,modernisms(cubism,surrealism),dual tradition of theology (positive the-ology and negative theology), and French post-phenomenological thinking. The dual realities are testified to by some binary pairs in Hart's poetry: the concrete, conscious, definite, familiar, natural, phenomenal, physical,and positive standing side by side with the abstract, higher, ideal, in-definite, intellectual, metaphysical, negative, philosophical, surreal, transcendental, and unconscious. The latter are achieved from the former through a process of transcending or going beyond, and the mediums be tween the two poles of binary pairs are death, denial, denudation, deprivation, dying, idealisation, negation, rejection, transgression, transcendence,and transformation.
为孩子写的脑科学知识:基础读本 内容简介 上世纪90年代,西方发达国家已经向教育工作者、家长、社会公众和学生普及有关脑科学的基础知识,其中Neu-roscien...
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词语辨别好助手 内容简介 本书为了配合青少年朋友学习写作,并提供他们遣词造句的需要,特地选择一般社会大众*常见、*容易混淆的词语共136组、292个词加以辨析。...
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明代杜诗选录与评点研究 本书特色 本书在借鉴前人研究成果的基础上,主要以明代的杜诗选本与评点本为研究对象,试图突破以往的研究视阈和观点,通过系统地文献爬梳与细致...
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