Section 1 English-Chinese Translation (英译汉) (60 points)
This section consists of two parts: Part A "Compulsory Translation" and Part B "Optional
Translation" which comprises "Topic 1" and "Topic 2". Translate the passage in Part A and
your choice.from passages in Part B into Chinese.
Part A Compulsory Translation (必译题) (30 points)
Japan owes a lot to China. Chinese demand for Japanese goods has helped Japan's
economy recover, while competition has pressured executives to start restructuring Japan's
companies and banks.
Japan is an example of how China is offering two benefits to the global economy. One
is the way in which China is acting as an economic engine, buying up ever-increasing
amounts of goods and natural resources. The other is the flow of inexpensive Chinese goods
that drag down consumer prices across the world.
There are downsides, like the decline of manufacturing industries from Detroit and
Perth. Folks in developed economies losing jobs or taking pay cuts would hardly agree that
China's rising influence is a good thing.
But at the moment, China's 9. 5 percent growth rate is proving more of a blessing than
a bane for countries like Japan.
Quietly, at the start of this decade, Japanese companies began shifting production
abroad, cutting costs, selling off extraneous businesses and paying down debt. 'The
government also stepped up efforts to attract more foreign direct investment, something
Japan had little use for in the past.
Taken together, these actions largely prompted by China's advance, have led to the
most organic and convincing recovery Japan has seen in years. While Japan has much further
to got to make its economy more globally competitive, it is worth noting how far it has come
from the dark days of the late 1990s.
There are many benefits inherent in China's advance. One of them was spelled out by
Anatole Kaletsky, an editor and economic columnist at The Times of London. He wrote on
August 18 that China's rise is making the richest nations even richer.
Along with pushing down global prices of mass-produced goods, China's influence may
actually be pushing up the prices of products and services China does not or cannot make.
That can be seen in the prices of things that China consumes -- oil, financial services,
luxury goods and real estate.
Kaletsky said that as prices of luxury goods and financial services are driven higher,
prosperous countries with service industries become wealthier, compared with manufacturing
Part B Optional Translation (二选一题) (30 points)
Topic I (选择题一)
It was a dark and stormy evening, rapidly turning into the proverbial dark and stormy
night, and I needed to find a place to stay. I was driving along an Austrian freeway, so I did
what I've done on any number of previous occasions: I took the near exit and looked for a
sign pointing to the nearest gasthof, or inn.
The exit was Gleisdorf, between Graz and the Hungarian border. And off the highway,
a couple of kilometers along the road, there it was, a sign at a lefthand turn, pointing up a
narrow country road into the dark. The sign read "Gasthof Gruber" -- so of course I
followed the indication.
Fifteen minutes or so later, I found myself in the village of Markt, at a quaint-looking
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