75个知识点,中文主要来源于人民出版社1 993年版《邓小平文
Deng Xiaoping is the founder of the theory of building socialism with Chinese
characteristics, the chief designer of China's reform and opening-up policy and
modernization construction as well. We organized the publication of this book
Xiaoping Said, What Is Socialism with Chinese Characteristics in memory of the thirtieth
anniversary of China's reform and opening-up and to cherish our memory and
feeling of great respect for him.
This book depicts, in Chinese-English and an easily understood way, Deng
Xiaoping's basic viewpoints on building socialism with Chinese characteristics
through cartoons. It includes seventy-five points in ten aspects, with its Chinese text
mostly from Selected Works of DengXiaoping, Vol. III, published in 1993, by the People's
Press while its English text mostly from Selected Works of DengXiaoping, Vol. III,
published in ! 994, by Foreign Languages Press. The cartoons in the book are
closely centered round its thematic contents, combining its solemnity in content with
its humor in form.
This book is a popular theoretical reader mainly published for young students,
government functionaries, soldiers and farmers. It is also of help to foreign readers
who want to learn about China's reform and opening-up and socialism with Chinese
characteristics. We hope that the publication of this book will be beneficial for
readers at home and abroad to have a comprehensive understanding of the main
contents of Deng Xiaoping Theory.
ince the Third Session o~ the Eleventh Central Committee of the Communist Part~ of Chfna (CPC)
held in 1978, Deng Xiaoping, with great theoretical and political courage, !ed the whole Part~ to
studying and weighing the situation, bringing order oat of chaos, changed the wrong truck of
"class straggle os the central task" , and shifted the key emphasis in work to socialist modernization
construction. By patting the fundamental principles of Marxism-Leninism and Moo Zedong Thought into
practice, by making a study of the new situations in a new historical condition and finding solutions to new
issues, and by focusing on the central task of economic construction, he formulated a complete set of lines,
policies and strategies on building socialism with Chinese characteristics, which gradually developed into
a systematic theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, which we call Deng Xiaoping
The most central and basic nucleus of Deng Xiaoping Theory is the dialectical materialism ideological
line of the emancipation of the mind and the seeking truth from facts, which is highly in line with historical
materialism, that is, to regard the productive forces as the basis. The organic unit~ of these two important
thoughts becomes the philosophical basis of Deng Xiaoping Theory and pervades every domain of his
The second level of Deng Xiaoping Theory is his formulation of the essential concept of socialism, the
theory of socialist primary stage and the theory of socialist market economy. These three aspects of his
theory are in fact important theoretical breakthroughs and the three foundation stones for the building of
socialism with Chinese characteristics. The naissance of Deng Xiaoping Theory on the nature of socialism
primarily answers and solves various theoretical and practical problems: how less developed countries can
in a correct way recognize and grasp socialist essence with regard to productive force and productive
relation, the fundamental task and fundamental objective of socialism, and how they can reform and
perfect socialist system according to the requirement of socialist essence. The naissance of the theory of
the primary stage of socialism primarily answers and solves such a problem of how less developed socialist
countries can correctly recognize their stage of social development, and provides them with scientific basis
on solving the contradiction of leaping over the stage of sufficient development of capitalism on the basis
of a relatively backward culture and economic development so as to frame correct lines, policies and
strategies. The formulation of the theory of socialist market economy finds a harmonious combination of
the market economy and socialist system, and points out the best economic organizational form,
management system and function mechanism to develop socialist economy. Therefore, it solves the long-
existed problem in the socialist thought development and contemporary world socialist movement, paving
a new way in making socialism more lively and energetic.
The third level of Deng Xiaoping Theory is a series of theoretical and practical guidelines, policies and
strategies, which directly provide specific guidance for socialist construction and primarily answer and
solve a series of long-bewildering problems occurred in the construction and development courses of China
and contemporary socialist countries all over the world. For example, the theory of socialist reform reveals
the development driving force in a socialist society and brings about a favorable turn as well as new energy
in the cause of socialism. The socialist opening-up theory, the socialist diplomatic strategy and tactics
theory, the three-step development strategy, the strategical conception of basically realizing
modernization in China and the strategical conception of peaceful reunification of China by the policy of
"one country, two systems" , provide socialist countries with strategical and tactical principles for
assimilating the achievements of the civilizations of the world, including those of the capitalist society so
as to get a favorable international environment for China's construction and development and to build
socialism with Chinese characteristics in accordance with China's actual conditions. The theory of
promoting socialist ideology and ethics, the theory of the building of a socialist ruling party, the theory of
socialist political construction, and the theory of socialist military and defense construction, point out the
direction for socialist countries to follow, thus providing a strong support in their consolidation,
development and long-term stability, their coordinated development of material civilization and spiritual
civilization, and their all-round social progress as we!!.
Deng Xiaoping Theory is the product of the combination of the fundamental principles of Marxism-
Leninism with contemporary Chinese practice and features of the times. It is also a succession and
development of Mao Zedong Thought, as well as a collective wisdom of the Communist Party of China. This
theory, as a whole, breaks through the traditional socialist construction theory and system model, and, for
the first time in the history of the development of socialist ideology, builds up a relatively ail-round and
systematic socialist construction theory, it also primarily answers the issues of the era and a series of
questions from many aspects and levels, that is, how less developed countries can construct, consolidate
and develop socialism. Thus, it becomes a relatively complete and scientific theoretical system.
Thirt~ years has passed. Under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory remarkable achievements have
been attained in China~s opening-up and socialist modernization construction, which greatly emancipate
and develop the productive forces, strengthen China's national power and improve people's living
standard. The success of China's opening-up and socialist modernization construction has proved the
scientifically and powerful efficacy of this theory.
Just as what Deng Xiaoping pointed out, "We will need about another 30years to establish a more
mature and stable system in various fields." This also means that Deng Xiaoping Theory of socialist
construction with Chinese characteristics still needs to be improved and developed during our future
practice. While we stick to Deng Xiaoping Theory of socialist construction with Chinese characteristics as
the guidance, we should, in the meantime, study, analyze and solve the ever-cropping-up new situations
and problems, and correctly grasp his theoretical system and its spiritual essence so as to enrich and better
this theory by our practice, making it forever fresh and vigorous.
At the time of China's opening-up to the foreign world for thirty years, it is of great realistic and
historic importance to study the basic viewpoints in Deng Xiaoping Theory of building socialism with
Chinese characteristics. The report of the Seventeenth Session of the Central Committee of the Communist
Party of China clearly and definitely demands that it is necessary to "propagate and popularize the
theoretical system of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, so as to promote the popularization
of Marxism in contemporary China." Deng Xiaoping Theory is one of the three achievements in the
innovation of political theory in the new era of the Communist Party of China, which constitutes the
socialist theoretical system with Chinese characteristics. Using the form of cartoons to illustrate Deng
Xiaoping Theory is a worthy try, for it caters to popular taste.
! hope the publication of this book will lead to a positive social effect.
I also hope that the authors of this book will make new success in this kind of popular readers in the
propagation and popularization of the theory of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.
Yu Youjun
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