The MONKEY SERIES are picture books based on
the ancient Chiinese fantasy novel Journey to the
West, a story rich in tales about demons and
monsters who try to stop the Tang Priest Xuanzang
from reaching the Thunder Monastery in India to
fetch Buddhist scriptures. The real hero of this novel,
loved for four hundred yearn by Chinese readers, is
the resourceful, brave and humorous Monkey
Monkey Series
Monkey makes Havoc in Heaven
The Beginnings of Monkey
Monkey Makes Havoc in Heaven
Monkey's Conversion
The Coming of pig
Trouble on Black Wind Mountain
The Coming of Pig
Friar Sand Joins the Pilgrims
Stealing the Magic Fruit
Lotus--Flower Cave
The Yellow Robe Monster
Lotus-Flower Cave
Monkey Outwits the Lion King
Catching the Red Boy.
Catching the Red Boy
Monkey Gets Rid of Three Demons
BaSle in the River of Heaven
True and False Monkey
Monkey Raises Havoc in Jindou Cave
The Womanland of Western Liang
True and False Monkey
Borrowing the Plantoin
Borrowing the Plantain Fan
Battling the Nine-Headed Monster
The Demon King's Pouch
Stealing the Golden Bells
Stealing the Golden Bells
Seven Spider Spirits
Three Man-Eaters on Lion-Camel Mountain
Monkey Saves 1,111 Babies
The Bottomless Cave
Country Without Monks
The Ogre of Linked-Ring Cave
Goodness Brings a Downpour
Yellow Lion Steals the Weapons
Capturing the Three Rhinoceroses
Bringing Back the scriptures
Monkey Defeats Jade Hare
Monkey Revives the Dead
Bringing Back the Scriptures
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