本书从语法化的视角探讨了英语中的主位结构,主要描述了古英语、中古英语和现代英语时期主位结构的特点并分析了主位标记性的历史性迁移,从语法化的视角考察了几种重要主位转换手 形成过程,研究得出结论:英语中的主位标记性经历史语法化的过,在这一过程中主语被语法化为唯一的无标记主位成分,英语中一些语法结构形成成的动因是主位表达的需要。
在对早期英语和现代英语的主位结构分别进行了共时描述的基础上,本书对主位标记性和主位转换结构进行了历时分析。研究发现,英语中无标记主位的语法化和英语中SVO语序的语法化密切关联;英语中被动结构、tough移动、外置、分裂句和拟似分裂句.这些Chapter A Synchronic
Account of Thematic Str-ucture in Early English
The aim of this chapter is, on the one hand, to give a descriptiveoverview of the major important features of the hematic constituentsof Early English and to chematize the hierarchy of markedness ofthese thematic constituents, and, on the other hand, to give an ac-count o~ the thematic transformations, or the hematizing devices inEarly English for the purpose of comparing them with those in ModernEnglish.
To facilitate our discussion, we tart with a general observation ofthe historical stages of the English language, which has undergone anunbroken evolution of fifteen hundred years. Within this development,however, it can be agreed on that the history of English can be recog-
nized as three main periods. Within each of the periods it is possible torecognize certain broad characteristics that can mark off that period.
According to A. Baugh and T. Cable's work, A History of theEnglish Language, the dividing of the three periods is described as fol-lows:
The period from 450 to 1150 is known as Old English. It is<节选内容 >=重要的主位转换结构的形成和许多因素有关,包括语序的语法化、屈折形式的消失、交际的有效性和成分的重量等。
Chapter 3A Synchronic Account of Thematic Structure in Early English41
sometimes described as "the period of full inflections" (Baugh and Ca-
ble, 1951: 51), since during most of this period the endings of the
noun, the adjective, and the verb were well preserved.
From 1150 to 1500 the language is known as Middle English.
During this period the inflections, which had begun to break down to-
wards the end of the Old English period, became greatly reduced,
and, consequently, it is known as "the period of leveled inflections"
(Baugh and Cable, 1951: 51). The Middle English period is marked
by momentous changes in the English language, changes more exten-
sive and fundamental than those that have taken place at any time be-
fore or since. Many surface syntactic markers had been lost, which, as
we will see later, would exert great influence on the English grammar,
including the constituents in the initial position of a sentence.
It has often been said that, while Old English is virtually a foreign
language to present-day speakers of English, Middle English writings,
such as those of Chaucer, Gower and Malory, do not confront modern
readers with any major syntactic obstacles to comprehension. There
occurred change in many areas of grammar between the Old and Mid-
dle English periods. While Old English had a rather elaborate inflec-
tional system for both verbs and nouns, much of this had withered
away by Early Middle English, and further reductions took place in the
course of the Middle English period.
The language since 1500 is called Modern English. By the time
we reached this stage in the development a large part of the original in-
flectional system had disappeared entirely and it is therefore known as
"the period of lost inflections" (Baugh and Cable, 1951: 52).
The period of Old English and Middle English together is known
as the period of Early English, spanning more than 1000 years from
the year 450 to 1500. This is such a long period that it is not possible
for us to make an exhaustive account of all the characteristics of the
English language during this period. And what is more important for
us to understand is that the changes in grammar never stopped along
the period; therefore, it is hard to describe what Old English or Mid-
dle English is like. In this book, it is only possible for us to give a very
general account of the thematic features of the two periods, using the
typical examples to represent significant patterns of thematic structures
in the two periods. Besides, due to the writer's lack of phonological
and morphological knowledge of Early English, it is extremely difficult
to make a quantitative analysis of any corpus of Early English, al-
though properly conducted date processing of corpus will prove to be
most convincing and effective in a research of this kind. We have to re-
ly on second hand resources to serve our research purpose. On the one
hand, we resort to the ready-made observations made by linguists in
this field supplemented by examples to serve our purpose; on the other
hand, we resort to the statistics provided by Kohonen (1979), who
has carried out a data processing of Early English texts from 1000 to
1200 A.D. to account for word order change and the development of
thematic structure. Kohonen decides on this specific period to be repre-
sentative of Early English in that "the fixation of English word order
largely took place before 1200" (Kohonen, 1979: 75). He chooses on-
ly three texts: Aelfric's First Series of Catholic Homilies ( = CH),
Vices and Virtues ( = VM), and $awles Warde ( = SW). The three
texts were respectively written approximately in 992,1200,and
1230. We rely on the statistics provided by Kohonen to account for the
issues concerned in this book.
The grammatical system of Early English is quite different from
that of Modern English. It is the grammatical system that distinguish-
es Early English from Modem English fundamentally. Among the nu-
merous aspects of the grammatical system, there is one point that de-
serves our attention--the constituents in the leftmost position. In this
葛忆翔(1 977一),女,江苏南通人,2。06年6月毕业于上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业,获英语语言文学博士学位,上海外国语大
葛忆翔(1 977一),女,江苏南通人,2。06年6月毕业于上海外国语大学英语语言文学专业,获英语语言文学博士学位,上海外国语大
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