bsp;THE history of the life of every individual who has, for any
reason, attracted exteusively the attention of mankind, has been
written in a great variety of ways by a multitude of authors, and
persons sometimes wonder why we should have so many different
accounts of the same thing.
The reason is that each one of these accounts is intended for a
different set of readers, who read with ideas and purposes widely
different from each other. Among the twenty millions of people in
the United States, there are perhaps two million, between the ages
of fifteen and twenty-five, who wish to become acquainted, in gen-
eral, with the leading events in the history of the Old World, and
of ancient times, but who, coming upon the stage in this land and
at this period, have ideas and conceptions so widely different from
those of other nations and of other times, that a mere republication
of existing accounts is not what they require.
The story must be told expressly to them. The things that are
to be explained, the points that are to be brought out, the compara-
tive degree of importance to be given to the various details, will all
be different, on account of the difference in the situation, the ideas,
and the objects of these new readers, compared with those of the
various other classes of readers which former authors have had in
view. It is for this reason, and with this view, that the present series
of historical narratives is presented to the public. The author, hav-
ing had some opportunity to become acquainted with the position,
the ideas, and the intellectual wants of those whom he addresses,
presents the result of his labors to them, with the hope that it may
be found successful in accomplishing its design.
THUS far Alexander had had only the lieutenants and generals
of the Persian monarch to contend with. Darius had at first looked
upon the invasion of his vast lands by such a mere boy, as he
called him, and by so small an army, with contempt. He sent word
to his generals in Asia Minor to seize the young fool, and send him
to Persia bound hand and foot. By the time, however, that Alexan-
der had possessed himself of all Asia Minor, Darius began to find
that, though young, he was no fool, and that it was not likely to be
very easy to seize him.
Accordingly, Darius collected an immense army himself, and
advanced to meet the Macedonians in person. Nothing could exceed
the ceremony and magnificence of his preparations. There were im-
mense numbers of troops, and they were of all nations. There were
even a great many Greeks among his forces, many of them joined
from the Greeks of Asia Minor. There were some from Greece itself
-- mercenaries, as they were called; that is, soldiers who fought
for pay, and who were willing to enter into any service which would
pay them best.
There were even some Greek officers and counselors in the
family and court of Darius. One of them, named Charidemus, of-
fended the king very much by the free opinion which he expressed
of the uselessness of all his ceremony and parade in preparing for
an encounter with such an enemy as Alexander. "Perhaps," said
Charidemus, "you may not be pleased with my speaking to you
Asian neighbors; but such sort of preparation will be of little ava/1
against Alexander and his Greeks. Your army is bright with purple
and gold. No one who had not seen it could concevie of its magnif-
icence; but it will not be of any avail against the terrible energy of
the Greeks. Their minds are bent on something very different from
idle show. They are intent on securing the substantial greatness of
their weapons, and on acquiring the discipline and the toughness
essential for the most efficient use of them. They will despise all
your parade of purple and gold. They will not even value it as trea-
sure. They g/ory in their ability to dispense with all the luxuries
and conveniences of life. They live upon the coarsest food. At night
they sleep upon the bare ground. By day they are always on the
march. They brave hunger, cold, and every species of exposure with
pride and pleasure, having the greatest contempt for anything like
softness and gentleness of character. All this ceremony, with ineffi-
cient weapons, and inefficient men to use them, will be of no avail
against their unbeatable courage and energy; and the best disposi-
tion that you can make of all your gold, and silver, and other trea-
sures, is to send it away and gather good soldiers with it, if indeed
gold and silver will buy them."
The Greeks were used to energetic speaking as well as acting,
but Charidemus did not sufficiently consider that the Persians were
not accustomed to hear such plain language as this. Darius was
very much displeased. In his anger he condemned him to death.
"Very well," said Charidemus, "I can die. But the man who will
take revenge upon you for my death is at hand. My advice is good,
and Alexander will soon punish you for not regarding it."
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