《A COMPARISON BETWEEN CHINESE AND WESTERN SCULPTURE(中西雕塑比较)》内容包括:中西雕塑与中西文化;中西纪念碑雕塑:帝国风采与世俗世界、中西宗教雕塑:灿烂佛国与石头的圣经;中西雕塑的功能:“坟茔的艺术”与“城市的艺术”;中西雕塑家的境遇:“皂隶百工”与艺术家等。
%Mr. Huang Zongxian,Mr. Huang Zongxian was bom in 1958. He has another name Ling Yu. He is a native of Danleng, Sichuan province and a PhD in fine arts. He is the member of Chinese Ar'dsts Association, vice-president of Sichuan Artists Association and chairman of Sichuan Art Education Association.Now he works as president, professor and PhD candidate supervisor in the Art Academy of Sichuan University. He is also an expert who gets the special govemment allowance of the State Council. He has independently written and edited 11 academic monographs and published dozen of academic papers. Professor Huang has been engaged in teaching and research of art studies for a long time and especially has made significant achievements in the field of research on Chinese modem art. He is a quite influential in the area of art theory in China.
Mr. Wu Yongqiang:
Mr. Wu Yongqiang was bom in 1966. He is a native of Nanchong, Sichuan province and a PhD in Literature science. He is a member of Sichuan Artists Association and Chinese Society of Aesthetics. He works as a professor and master student supervisor in Art Academy of Sichuan University. Mr. Wu has published dozen of academicmonographs and papers.
《A COMPARISON BETWEEN CHINESE AND WESTERN SCULPTURE(中西雕塑比较)》内容包括:中西雕塑与中西文化;中西纪念碑雕塑:帝国风采与世俗世界、中西宗教雕塑:灿烂佛国与石头的圣经;中西雕塑的功能:“坟茔的艺术”与“城市的艺术”;中西雕塑家的境遇:“皂隶百工”与艺术家等。
Mr. Huang Zongxian,Mr. Huang Zongxian was bom in 1958. He has another name Ling Yu. He is a native of Danleng, Sichuan province and a PhD in fine arts. He is the member of Chinese Ar'dsts Association, vice-president of Sichuan Artists Association and chairman of Sichuan Art Education Association.Now he works as president, professor and PhD candidate supervisor in the Art Academy of Sichuan University. He is also an expert who gets the special govemment allowance of the State Council. He has independently written and edited 11 academic monographs and published dozen of academic papers. Professor Huang has been engaged in teaching and research of art studies for a long time and especially has made significant achievements in the field of research on Chinese modem art. He is a quite influential in the area of art theory in China.
Mr. Wu Yongqiang:
Mr. Wu Yongqiang was bom in 1966. He is a native of Nanchong, Sichuan province and a PhD in Literature science. He is a member of Sichuan Artists Association and Chinese Society of Aesthetics. He works as a professor and master student supervisor in Art Academy of Sichuan University. Mr. Wu has published dozen of academicmonographs and papers.
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