bsp; Hope was rolling high in every Southern heart as the summer of 1863 came in. The
Yankees were proving a hard nut to crack but they were cracking at last.
Christmas of 1862 had been a happy one for Atlanta, for the whole South. The
Confederacy had scored a smashing victory at Fredericksburg and the Yankee dead
and wounded were counted in the thousands.
Spring came and the fighting recommenced. May came and the Confederacy won
another great victory at Chancellorsville.
The first days of July came and with them the rumor, later confirmed by dispatch-
es, that Lee was marching into Pennsylvania. Lee in the enemy's territory! Lee forcing
battle! This was the last fight of the war!
On the third of July, a sudden silence fell on the wires from the north, a silence
that lasted till midday of the fourth when fragmentary and garbled reports began to trick-
le into headquarters in Atlanta. There had been hard fighting in Pennsylvania, near a lit-
tle town named Gettysburg, a great battle with all Lee's army massed.
Suspense grew and the beginnings of dread slowly crawled over the town. Nothing
was so bad as not knowing what was happening.
Crowds formed at the depot, hoping for news from incoming trains, at the tele-
graph office, in front of the harried headquarters, before the locked doors of the news-
There was hardly a house in town that had not sent away a son, a brother, a fa-
ther, a lover, a husband, to this battle. They ail waited to hear the news that death had
come to their homes.
Scarlett, Melanie and Miss Pittypat sat in front of the Daily Examiner office in the
carriage with the top back, sheltered beneath their parasols. Melanie sat as though
carved of stone, her dark eyes growing larger and larger as time went by.
There was a movement on the outskirts of the crowd and those on foot gave way
as Rhett Butler carefully edged his horse toward Aunt Pitty's carriage.
"1 came to tell you ladies, "he said loudly, "that I have been to headquarters and
the first casualty lists are coming in."
At these words a hum rose among those near enough to hear his remark, and the
crowd surged, ready to turn and run down Whitehall Street toward headquarters.
“我是来告诉太太小姐们,”他大声说, “我刚才到过司令部,
"Don't go, "he called, rising in his saddle and holding up his hand. "The lists
have been sent to both newspapers and are now being printed. Stay where you are!"
"Oh, Captain Butler, "cried Melly, turning to him with tears in her eyes. "How
kind of you to come and tell us! When will they be posted?"
"They should be out any minute, Madam. The reports have been in the offices for
half an hour now. Ah! Look!"
The side window of the newspaper office opened and a hand was extended,
bearing a sheaf of long narrow galley proofs, smeared with fresh ink and thick with
names closely printed. The crowd fought for them.
"Hold the reins, "said Rhett shortly, swinging to the ground and tossing the bridle
to Uncle Peter. In a while he was back, with half a dozen in his hands. He tossed one
to Melanie and distributed the others among the ladies in the nearest carriages.
"Quick, Melly, "cried Scarett, her heart in her throat, exasperation sweeping her
as she saw that Melly's hands were shaking so that it was impossible for her to read.
"Take it, "whispered Melly, and Scarlett snatched it from her. The Ws. Where
were the Ws? Oh, there they were at the bottom and al smeared up. "White, "she
read and her voice shook, "Wilkens ... Winn ... Zebulon ... Oh, Melly, he's not on it!
He's not on it! Oh, for God's sake, Auntie, Melly, pick up the salts! Hold her up,
weeping, weeping openly with happiness, steadied Miss Pitty's rolling head and held
the smelling salts under her nose. Scarlett braced the fat old lady on the other side, her
heart singing with joy. Ashley was alive. He wasn't even wounded. How good God was
to pass him by!
"Melly! Melly! "cried Maybelle, joy in her voice, "Rene is safe! "Her voice
changed, swiftly, "Melly, look! -Mrs. Meade, please! Darcy isn't--?"
Mrs. Meade was looking down into her lap and she did not raise her head when
her name was called, but the face of little Phil beside her was an open book that all
might read.
"There, there, Mother, "he said, helplessly. Mrs. Meade, looked up, meeting
Melanie' s eyes.
"He won't need those boots now, "she said.
"Oh, darling! "cried Melly, beginning to sob, as she shoved Aunt Pitty onto
Scarlett's shoulder and scrambled out of the carriage and toward that of the doctor's
"Mother, you've still got me, "said Phil. "And if you'll just let me, I'll go kill all
the Yank--"
"Phil Meade, you hush your mouth! "hissed Melanie, climbing in beside Mrs.
Meade and taking her in her arms. "Drive us home, quick!"
She turned to Scarett as Phil picked up the reins.
"As soon as you take Auntie home, come over to Mrs. Meade's. Captain Butler,
can you get word to the doctor? He's at the hospital."
Scarlett bent her head over the blurred lists, reading rapidly, to find names of
friends. How heavy the toll from Atlanta, from all of Georgia.
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