bsp; The day after his arrival, the Count of Monte Cristo went to
Danglars, now a wealthy banker in Paris, to open an unlimited line
of credit for use during his stay in Paris. The banker was shocked
and humbled at such a substantial request, but was nonetheless
eager to grant the appeal, knowing the financial gain he might
acquire from such an opportunity.
Soon after the meeting with Danglars, the count order Bertuc-
cio to purchase Danglars' finest two horses for twice the price of
their worth, after discovering that these horses actually belonged to
Danglars' wife.
Madame Danglars, after discovering the news, became enraged
with her husband for making a sale of her beloved horses. Later
that evening, the count returned the horses as a gift to Madame
Danglars, thus gaining the favor of the Danglars' family. During the
evening visit, Madame Danglars casually mentioned that Madame
Villefort was to borrow the horses the next day. After departing, the
count had one of his servants give-secret herbs to the horses to
force them to become wild during the ride the following day.
The next day, as planned, the horses ran wild as Madame
Villefort and her son were riding. The count's servant easily res-
cued the terrified mother and son, returning them home immediate-
ly. The following day, Villefort arrived to pay the count a visit to
show his gratitude.
Villefort always spoke with dignity and respect, and he knew
so many things, that not only was he always carefully considered,
第九章 .
but sometimes consulted by the king. To his friends M. de Villefort
was a powerful protector; to his enemies, he was a silent, but bitter
opponent; for those who were neither the one nor the other, he was
a statue of the law-made man. He was the same man, or rather the
development of the same man, whom we have seen as an attorney
in Marseilles. Nature, according to her way, had made no deviation
in the path he had marked out for himself.
Villefort glanced around, in order to seize on something on
which the conversation might turn, and seemed to fall easily on a
topic. He saw the map which Monte Cristo had been examining
when he entered, and said, "You seem geographically engaged,
sir? It is a rich study for you, who, as I learn, have seen as many
lands as are outlined on this map."
"Yes, sir," replied the count; "I have sought to make of the
human race, taken in the mass, what you practice every day on in-
dividuals a philosophical study. I have believed it was much
easier to descend from the whole to a part than to ascend from a
part to the whole."
Villefort's astonishment was severe at such a declaration.
"Sir," he responded, "you are a stranger, and
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