








安徒生童话:英文 内容简介


安徒生童话:英文 本书特色

在童话世界里,安徒生这个名字像一座永恒的丰碑,闪耀着*辉煌的光芒。他的一生创作了无数美丽的童话,《安徒生童话》(英文版)精选了数十篇脍炙人口的佳作。童话的情节曲折动人,童话的主人公幸福无比。打开《安徒生童话》(英文版),让我们畅游在安徒生童话的美妙世界中,把生活创造的更美丽。 Hans Christian Andersen's Fairy Tales are like ex-quisite jewels, drawing from us gasps of recognitionand delight. Andersen created intriguing and uniquecharacters such as a tin soldier with only one leg buta big heart. Each one of us at some time, has beentouched by one of Andersen's Fairy Tales. Here you' 11find his classic tales such as The Mermaid,Thumbelina, The Gallant Tin Soldier, and The UglyDuckling, 42 of your favorite tales in all.

安徒生童话:英文 目录

The Wild SwansWhat the Old Man Does Is Always RightThe Old HouseThumbelineThe Storm Shifts the SignboardsThe Shepherdess and the Chimney-sweepDaddy Dustman (Ole Luksie)Little Claus and Big ClausThe Shirt CollarThe Little MermaidIt's Quite True!The Little Match GirlTwelve by the MailThe Garden of ParadiseThe Wind Tells About Valdemar Daa and His DaughtersThe Gallant Tin SoldierThe Story of a MotherThe Emperor's New ClothesThe Snow Man"Everything in Its Proper Place"The Happy FamilyThe ShadowThe Princess on the PeaThe NightingaleThe JumpersThe Travelling CompanionThe Money-pigThe Galoshes of FortuneAunty ToothacheThe Tinder BoxLittle Ida's FlowersElder-Tree MotherThe Brownie at the Butterman'sThe Snow QueenThe SwineherdThe SweetheartsThe Pine-tree"The Will-o'-the-wisps Are in Town," Said the Woman from the MarshThe Ugly DucklingThe Flying TrunkThe StorksSilly Hans%

安徒生童话:英文 节选



安徒生童话:英文 相关资料

When she was dressed again and had plaited her long hair, she wentto the sparkling spring, drank out of the hollow of her hand, andwandered further into the forest, without knowing where she went. Shethought of her brothers and of the kind God, who surely would notdesert her. He let the wild forest apples grow, so that the hungry mightbe satisfied; he showed her such a tree, the branches of which werebent beneath the weight of the fruit, and there she made her middaymeal. After having propped up the branches of the tree, she walked offinto the darkest parts of the forest. It was so quiet that she heard herown footsteps, heard every little dry leaf being crushed under her foot;not a bird was to be seen, nor could any sunbeam penetrate through thegreat close branches of the trees; the lofty trunks stood so close to oneanother, that when she looked straight before her it appeared as if onerow of 10gs close upon another encircled her; oh, such a solitude shehad never known before.The night was very dark, and not one single little glow-wormglittered in the moss. Quite distressed, she lay down to sleep; she thenthought she saw the branches part above her, and Our Lord lookingdown upon her with eyes full of tenderness, while little angels peepedout above His head and from under His arms.When she woke in the morning, she did not know whether she hadbeen dreaming, or whether it had all really happened.She had not gone many steps, when she met an old woman with abasket of berries, of which the woman gave her some. Elisa asked her ifshe had not seen eleven princes riding through the forest."No," said the old woman; "but yesterday I saw eleven swans withgolden crowns on their heads, swimming down the river close by!" And she led Elisa some distance further till they came to a slope, atthe bottom of which a river wound its way; the trees on its banksstretched their long, leafy branches across the water to each other, andwhere they, according to their natural g


安徒生童话:英文 作者简介


安徒生童话:英文 节选


安徒生童话:英文 相关资料

When she was dressed again and had plaited her long hair, she wentto the sparkling spring, drank out of the hollow of her hand, andwandered further into the forest, without knowing where she went. Shethought of her brothers and of the kind God, who surely would notdesert her. He let the wild forest apples grow, so that the hungry mightbe satisfied; he showed her such a tree, the branches of which werebent beneath the weight of the fruit, and there she made her middaymeal. After having propped up the branches of the tree, she walked offinto the darkest parts of the forest. It was so quiet that she heard herown footsteps, heard every little dry leaf being crushed under her foot;not a bird was to be seen, nor could any sunbeam penetrate through thegreat close branches of the trees; the lofty trunks stood so close to oneanother, that when she looked straight before her it appeared as if onerow of 10gs close upon another encircled her; oh, such a solitude shehad never known before.The night was very dark, and not one single little glow-wormglittered in the moss. Quite distressed, she lay down to sleep; she thenthought she saw the branches part above her, and Our Lord lookingdown upon her with eyes full of tenderness, while little angels peepedout above His head and from under His arms.When she woke in the morning, she did not know whether she hadbeen dreaming, or whether it had all really happened.She had not gone many steps, when she met an old woman with abasket of berries, of which the woman gave her some. Elisa asked her ifshe had not seen eleven princes riding through the forest."No," said the old woman; "but yesterday I saw eleven swans withgolden crowns on their heads, swimming down the river close by!" And she led Elisa some distance further till they came to a slope, atthe bottom of which a river wound its way; the trees on its banksstretched their long, leafy branches across the water to each other, andwhere they, according to their natural g


安徒生童话:英文 作者简介


安徒生童话:英文 作者简介


