Book Description
Teaches graphic artists the fundamentals of computer programming within a visual playground!
Product Description
This book introduces programming concepts in the context of computer graphics and visual art, in a more accessible format than traditional programming textbooks. It uses the open source programming language Processing as the basis for all discussion and examples, focusing on the fundamentals such as variables, conditionals, loops, arrays, and objects in a highly visual manner. The book will also introduce advanced topics such as data mining, networking, image processing, computer vision, and 3D graphics. It will also introduce using Processing for "tangible media"; communicating with microcontrollers to interact with the physical environment. Processing is built on top of the programming language Java, and so is an excellent introduction to Java and object-oriented programming, and will help prepare the student for study of more advanced object-oriented languages such as Java or C++.
* Introduces the concepts of computer programming using the programming language Processing developed at the MIT Media Lab
* Written for the interactive media designer without any programming experience
* Includes source code for many examples, illustrated with examples of what can be done with Processing
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