








交互式计算机图形学基于OPENGL的自顶向下方法(第5版)英文版 内容简介


交互式计算机图形学基于OPENGL的自顶向下方法(第5版)英文版 本书特色


交互式计算机图形学基于OPENGL的自顶向下方法(第5版)英文版 目录

CHAPTER1 GRAPHICS SYSTEMS AND MODELS1.1Applications of Computer Graphics1.1.1 Display of Information 1.1.2 Design1.1.3 Simulation and Animation 1.1.4 User Interfaces1.2 A Graphics System1.2.1 Pixels and the Frame Buffer1.2.2 Output Devices1.2.3 Input Devices1.3 Images: Physical and Synthetic1.3.1 Objects and Viewers1.3.2 Light and Images1.3.3 Image Formation Models1.4Imaging Systems1.4.1 The Pinhole Camera 1.4.2 The Human Visual System 1.5 The Synthetic-Camera Model1.6 The Programmer's Interface1.6.1 The Pen-Plotter Model 1.6.2 Three-Dimensional APIs1.6.3 A Sequence of Images1.6.4 The Modeling-Rendering Paradigm1.7 Graphics Architectures1.7.1 Display Processors1.7.2 Pipeline Architectures 1.7.3 The Graphics Pipeline 1.7.4 Vertex Processing 1.7.5 Clipping and Primitive Assembly1.7.6 Rasterization 1.7.7 Fragment Processing1.8Programmable Pipelines1.9Performance Characteristics Summary and Notes Suggested Readings ExercisesCHAPTER2 GRAPHICS PROGRAMMING 2.1The Sierpinski Gasket 2.2Programming Two-Dimensional Applications 2.2.1 Coordinate Systems 2.3 The OpenGL API 2.3.1Graphics Functions 2.3.2 The Graphics Pipeline and State Machines 2.3.3 The OpenGL Interface 2.4Primitives and Attributes 2.4.1 Polygon Basics2.4.2 Polygon Types in OpenGL 2,4.3 Approximatin9 a Sphere2.4.4 Text 2.4.5 Curved Objects 2.4.6 Attributes 2.5Color 2.5.1RGB Color2.5.2 Indexed Color2.5.3 Setting of Color Attributes 2.6Viewing 2.6.1 The Orthographic View 2.6.2 Two-Dimensional Viewing2.6.3 Matrix Modes2.7Control Functions 2.7.1 Interaction with the Window System 2.7.2 Aspect Ratio and Viewports2.7.3 The main, display, and myinit Functions2.7.4 Program Structure 2.8The Gasket Program 2.9Polygons and Recursion2.1 0 The Three.Dimensional Gasket2.1 O.1Use of Three Dimensional Points2.1 0.2Use Of Polygons in Three Dimensions 2.10.3 Hidden—Surface Removal 2.1 1 Plotting Implicit Functions2.1 1.1Marching Squares Summary and NotesSuggested Readings ExercisesCHAPTER3 INPUT AND INTERACTION3.1Interaction3.2Input Devices3.2.1 Physical Input Devices 3.2.2 Logical Devices3.2 3Input Modes3.3Clients and Servers3.4 Display Lists3.4.1 Definition and Execution of Display Lists3.4.2 Text and Display Lists3.4.3Fonts in GLUT3.5 Display Lists and Modeling3.6 Programming Event Driven Input3.6.1Using the Pointing Device3.6.2Window Events3.6.3Keyboard Events 3.6.4 The Display and Idle Callbacks3.6.SWindow Management3.7Menus3.8 Picking3.8.1 Picking and Selection Mode3.9A Simple CAD Program3.10Building Interactive Models3.11Animating Interactive Programs3.11.1 The Rotating Square3.11.2 Double Buffering3.11.3 Using a Timer3.12 Design of Interactive Programs3.12.1 Toolkits.Widgets.and the Frame Buffer3.13 Logic Operations3.13.1 Drawing Erasable Lines3.13.2 XOR and Color3.13.3Cursors and Overlay PlanesSummary and NotesSuggested Readings ExercisesCHAPTER4 GEOMTRIC OBJECTS AND TRANSFORMATIONS 4.1Scalars,Points.and Vectors4.1.1Geometric Objects4.1.2Coordinate.Free Geometry4.1.3The Mathematical View:Vector and Affine Spaces4.1.4 The Computer Science View4.1.5GeometricADTs4.1.6 Lines4.1.7Affjne Sums 4.1.8Convexity4.1.9 Dot and Cross Products4.2 Three-DimensionaI Primitives4.3Coordinate Systems and Frames4.3.1Representations and N.Tuples4.3.2Change of Coordinate Systems 4.3.3Example Change of Representation4.3.4 Homogeneous Coordinates4.3.5Example Change in Frames4.3.6Working with Representations4.4Frames in 0penGL4.5Modeling a Colored Cube4.5.1Modeling the Faces4.5.2Inward-and Outward.Pointing Faces4.5.3 Data Structures for Object Representation4.5.4 The Color Cube 4.5.5Bilinear Interpolation4.5.6Vertex Arrays4.6Affine Transformations4.7 Translation,Rotation-and Scaling4.7.1Translation 4.7.2RotationCHAPTER 5 VIEWINGCHAPTER 6 LIGHTING AND SHADINGCHAPTER 7 FROM VERTICES TO FRAGMENTSCHAPTER 8 DISCRETE TECHNIQUESCHAPTER 9 PROGRAMMABLE SHADERS

交互式计算机图形学基于OPENGL的自顶向下方法(第5版)英文版 节选


交互式计算机图形学基于OPENGL的自顶向下方法(第5版)英文版 作者简介

Edward Angel,美国新墨西哥大学计算机科学系、电气与计算机工程系以及媒体艺术系荣誉退休教授,他曾经是该大学首位兼任教学工作的研究生。Edward获得了美国南加州大学获得哲学博士学位和加州理工学院工程理学士学位。他还是新墨西哥大学艺术、研究、技术和科学实验室(http://artslab.unm.edu)的主任。

