《中国少数民族服饰:英文》内容简介:Costume is the crystal of human wisdom as well as fruits out of their labor. During human being's long process of evolution and development, minority cos-tumes in China also have had their own changes and development, becoming the cultural symbol for China's 56 nationalities by decorating their living world.
Costume is a visual language and window for civilization.
Costume is the crystal of human wisdom as well as fruits out of their labor. During human being's long process of evolution and development, minority cos-tumes in China also have had their own changes and development, becoming the cultural symbol for China's 56 nationalities by decorating their living world.
Costume is a visual language and window for civilization. Minority costumesin China are rich in ornaments and beautiful in color. Some are long while others are short; some are simple while others are complicated. But as a whole, there is a difference between north robes and south skirts. The northern nomadic people living in the Mongolian Tableland, the Tibetan Tableland and Xinjiang Basingrassland, or the nationalities that have had the life of nomadism and hunting,have chosen their production and living ways belonging to the herding and hunt-ing civilizations as a reason of their living space in the north of the Great Wall for a long time with freezing cold tablelands, deserts, forests and grasslands,such as the Mongols, Tibetan, Ewenki, Oroqen, Manchu, Kazakh, and etc. Theywear robes and boots, which become the symbol for horse-riding nationalities.The minorities in the south living on rice economy are known for their skirts.Even the landforms vary in China's south central, south-west and south-east, asmost of the regions have a warm, humid and rainy climate, the minorities livingin these regions choose rice planting as their living method, such as Tong, Miao,Lisu, Buyi, Pumi, De'ang, Dai, Zhuang and Gaoshan, with their costumes suit-able for their daily life in the style, quality or color. Each nationality's costume is its self-identification. Skirts are popular in the southern minorities, whereasthe style, color and design vary greatly from each other. Dai's tube skirts, shortskirts in Hani and Jinuo, and skirts called "Bafuluoqun" in Va and Tujia have allbecome kinds of decorations and signs distinguishing themselves from others.The women of Shui make an even more outstanding difference from others by putting on skirts outside their long pants.
The traditional Korean suit-dress has a feature of short coats and long skirts.The collar of the coat (zegaoli) is connected with the front into an oblique line,open with right front without buttons; long to the bosom, at the present coat'sthird button position. The skirt is as long as reaching to the knees or to the feetaccordingly. The sleeves have a large arc, with a butterfly knot using long silkribbon tying the two fronts. Cloth strips in various colors are used to embroiderthe collar lines and cuffs. Colorful silk and satin are embroidered in cuffs andfront edges of coats for young women and girls. The coat assorts with long skirt,setting off women's curving beauty. Their skirts are called "qima" in Korean,classified as tube skirts and tangling skirts which have the difference of longskirts and short skirts. The tube skirts sewed up, different from ones in other na-tionalities, as they have many fine pleats at the waist in order to suit the waist-body, connected above with a small white vest open in the front with buttonslike a pullover. This kind of skirts is as long as reaching the knees, suitable forlaboring and walking. The tangle skirt is wrapped for the lower body shaped likea helix; the left lower corner will be lifted and tucked into the girdle, suited witha white shirt inside. Young women are found of tube skirts and short skirts whileold women most of the time wear tangle skirts and long skirts. Yellow coatsand pink skirts are typical for traditional suit dress. Materials for making youngwomen's coats are very colorful.
The traditional Korean suit-dress has a feature of short coats and long skirts.The collar of the coat (zegaoli) is connected with the front into an oblique line,open with right front without buttons; long to the bosom, at the present coat'sthird button position. The skirt is as long as reaching to the knees or to the feetaccordingly. The sleeves have a large arc, with a butterfly knot using long silkribbon tying the two fronts. Cloth strips in various colors are used to embroiderthe collar lines and cuffs. Colorful silk and satin are embroidered in cuffs andfront edges of coats for young women and girls. The coat assorts with long skirt,setting off women's curving beauty. Their skirts are called "qima" in Korean,classified as tube skirts and tangling skirts which have the difference of longskirts and short skirts. The tube skirts sewed up, different from ones in other na-tionalities, as they have many fine pleats at the waist in order to suit the waist-body, connected above with a small white vest open in the front with buttonslike a pullover. This kind of skirts is as long as reaching the knees, suitable forlaboring and walking. The tangle skirt is wrapped for the lower body shaped likea helix; the left lower corner will be lifted and tucked into the girdle, suited witha white shirt inside. Young women are found of tube skirts and short skirts whileold women most of the time wear tangle skirts and long skirts. Yellow coatsand pink skirts are typical for traditional suit dress. Materials for making youngwomen's coats are very colorful.
The traditional Korean suit-dress has a feature of short coats and long skirts.The collar of the coat (zegaoli) is connected with the front into an oblique line,open with right front without buttons; long to the bosom, at the present coat'sthird button position. The skirt is as long as reaching to the knees or to the feetaccordingly. The sleeves have a large arc, with a butterfly knot using long silkribbon tying the two fronts. Cloth strips in various colors are used to embroiderthe collar lines and cuffs. Colorful silk and satin are embroidered in cuffs andfront edges of coats for young women and girls. The coat assorts with long skirt,setting off women's curving beauty. Their skirts are called "qima" in Korean,classified as tube skirts and tangling skirts which have the difference of longskirts and short skirts. The tube skirts sewed up, different from ones in other na-tionalities, as they have many fine pleats at the waist in order to suit the waist-body, connected above with a small white vest open in the front with buttonslike a pullover. This kind of skirts is as long as reaching the knees, suitable forlaboring and walking. The tangle skirt is wrapped for the lower body shaped likea helix; the left lower corner will be lifted and tucked into the girdle, suited witha white shirt inside. Young women are found of tube skirts and short skirts whileold women most of the time wear tangle skirts and long skirts. Yellow coatsand pink skirts are typical for traditional suit dress. Materials for making youngwomen's coats are very colorful.
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