《青藏铁路通到拉萨(英文版)》内容简介:Contemporary American travel writer Paul heroux commented that the "Kunlun Range s a guarantee that the railway will never get toLhasa... " in his Riding the Iron Rooster.The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, a plateau railway boastingthe highest elevation and longest distance in the world,did go beyond the Kunlun Range. It was completed onJuly i, zoo6, amazing the whole world and creating apioneering work in railway construction historyThe construction of the railway took fifty years fromthe first survey in 1956 to completion in 2oo6. Overthe tedious half-century several generations of railwayworkers challenged extreme conditions finally to solvethree major global engineering problems: permafrost,alpine hypoxia and vulnerable ecologyIt is a road of civilization, traversing 55okm-plus low-latitude, high-elevation, permafrost regions, cuttingthrough Hoh Xil Depopulated Zone and beyond the5,o72m-elevation pass of Tanggula Mountains.
%插图:care and construction site culture to ensure spirituallife. Many units set up "employee homes" with Ka-raoke, musical instruments, chess and playing cards,billiards and pingpong tables. They installed satel-lite TV and a library; some units installed program-controlled telephones to enable employees to contacttheir families; some units set up recuperation basesin Golmud so employees on the mountains couldrefresh themselves; some units carried out colorfulactivities such as site photo exhibitions, article con-tests and Karaoke. This cultural life at the spare timecontributed to dispel the loneliness of the workers.All these stimulated high spirits among workers."The plateau may lack oxygen, but we never lackmorale. The environment is terrible and the wind isstrong, but our willingness is stronger. The plateauis high, but our will to fight is higher." The workersoften said such words to encourage each other. Thiswas the spirit of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
《青藏铁路通到拉萨(英文版)》内容简介:Contemporary American travel writer Paul heroux commented that the "Kunlun Range s a guarantee that the railway will never get toLhasa... " in his Riding the Iron Rooster.The Qinghai-Tibet Railway, a plateau railway boastingthe highest elevation and longest distance in the world,did go beyond the Kunlun Range. It was completed onJuly i, zoo6, amazing the whole world and creating apioneering work in railway construction historyThe construction of the railway took fifty years fromthe first survey in 1956 to completion in 2oo6. Overthe tedious half-century several generations of railwayworkers challenged extreme conditions finally to solvethree major global engineering problems: permafrost,alpine hypoxia and vulnerable ecologyIt is a road of civilization, traversing 55okm-plus low-latitude, high-elevation, permafrost regions, cuttingthrough Hoh Xil Depopulated Zone and beyond the5,o72m-elevation pass of Tanggula Mountains.
%插图:care and construction site culture to ensure spirituallife. Many units set up "employee homes" with Ka-raoke, musical instruments, chess and playing cards,billiards and pingpong tables. They installed satel-lite TV and a library; some units installed program-controlled telephones to enable employees to contacttheir families; some units set up recuperation basesin Golmud so employees on the mountains couldrefresh themselves; some units carried out colorfulactivities such as site photo exhibitions, article con-tests and Karaoke. This cultural life at the spare timecontributed to dispel the loneliness of the workers.All these stimulated high spirits among workers."The plateau may lack oxygen, but we never lackmorale. The environment is terrible and the wind isstrong, but our willingness is stronger. The plateauis high, but our will to fight is higher." The workersoften said such words to encourage each other. Thiswas the spirit of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
插图:care and construction site culture to ensure spirituallife. Many units set up "employee homes" with Ka-raoke, musical instruments, chess and playing cards,billiards and pingpong tables. They installed satel-lite TV and a library; some units installed program-controlled telephones to enable employees to contacttheir families; some units set up recuperation basesin Golmud so employees on the mountains couldrefresh themselves; some units carried out colorfulactivities such as site photo exhibitions, article con-tests and Karaoke. This cultural life at the spare timecontributed to dispel the loneliness of the workers.All these stimulated high spirits among workers."The plateau may lack oxygen, but we never lackmorale. The environment is terrible and the wind isstrong, but our willingness is stronger. The plateauis high, but our will to fight is higher." The workersoften said such words to encourage each other. Thiswas the spirit of the Qinghai-Tibet Railway.
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