The End of Faith. The God Delusion. God Is Not Great. Letter to a Christian Nation . Bestseller lists are filled with doubters. But what happens when you actually doubt your doubts?
Although a vocal minority continues to attack the Christian faith, for most Americans, faith is a large part of their lives: 86 percent of Americans refer to themselves as religious, and 75 percent of all Americans consider themselves Christians. So how should they respond to these passionate, learned, and persuasive books that promote science and secularism over religion and faith? For years, Tim Keller has compiled a list of the most frequently voiced doubts skeptics bring to his Manhattan church. And inThe Reason for God , he single-handedly dismantles each of them. Written with atheists, agnostics, and skeptics in mind, Keller also provides an intelligent platform on which true believers can stand their ground when bombarded by the backlash. The Reason for God challenges such ideology at its core and points to the true path and purpose of Christianity.
Why is there suffering in the world? How could a loving God send people to Hell? Why isnt Christianity more inclusive? Shouldnt the Christian God be a god of love? How can one religion be right and the rest wrong? Why have so many wars been fought in the name of God? These are just a few of the questions even ardent believers wrestle with today. In this book, Tim Keller uses literature, philosophy, real-life conversations and reasoning, and even pop culture to explain how faith in a Christian God is a soundly rational belief, held by thoughtful people of intellectual integrity with a deep compassion for those who truly want to know the truth.
提摩太•凯勒(Timothy Keller),美国神学家、护教学家,纽约救赎主长老教会牧师。 其著作《为何是他》和《一掷千金的上帝》荣登《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜。其他作品包括《婚姻的意义》、《工作的意义》、《诸神的面具》、《慷慨的正义》等。凯茜·凯勒(Kathy Keller),凯勒妻子,毕业于戈登-康威尔神学院。
医道归真 本书特色 《医道归真》由山西科学技术出版社出版。《医道归真》所论多为临床辨证常见的误区,对中医临床工作者有启示作用。所选医案皆为临床常见病、多发病,适...
中华独特疗法大成 内容简介 《中华独特疗法大成》分方法和治疗两篇。方法篇依据用药与否,分为药物疗法和非药物疗法两章,药物疗法按照给药途径分为内服法和外用法两节;...
公共交通街道设计指南 本书特色 《公共交通街道设计指南》是美国国家城市交通官员协会“街道设计指南丛书”的第四本,将街道设计的核心放在如何...
2009年版全国造价工程师执业资格考试应试指南:工程造价计价与控制 内容简介 本书内容包括:工程造价构成、工程造价计价依据、建设项目决策阶段工程造价的计价与控制...
胡希恕-经方专家卷-(第二版) 本书特色 胡希恕先生是我国近代著名的经方家。他一生致力于《伤寒论》《金匮要略》的研究,率先提出《伤寒论》的六经来自八纲,并将其方...
医治呼吸病的大医之法-传世名方 本书特色 魏睦新、王霞、井昶雯主编的《医治呼吸病的大医之法》的名医名方,不拘于一家,博取众家之长,广撷著名医家治疗呼吸病的绝技妙...