Create code art, visualizations, and interactive applications with this powerful yet simple computer language and programming environment
Learn how to code 2D and 3D animation, pixel-level imaging, motion effects, and physics simulations
Take a creative and fun approach to learning creative computer programming If you're interested in creating cutting-edge code-based art and animations, you've come to the right place! Processing (available at is a revolutionary open source programming language and environment designed to bridge the gap between programming and art, allowing non-programmers to learn programming fundamentals as easily as possible, and empowering anyone to produce beautiful creations using math patterns. With the software freely available, Processing provides an accessible alternative to using Flash for creative coding and computational artboth on and off the Web. This book is written especially for artists, designers, and other creative professionals and students exploring code art, graphics programming, and computational aesthetics. The book provides a solid and comprehensive foundation in programming, including object-oriented principles, and introduces you to the easy-to-grasp Processing language, so no previous coding experience is necessary. The book then goes through using Processing to code lines, curves, shapes, and motion, continuing to the point where you'll have mastered Processing and can really start to unleash your creativity with realistic physics, interactivity, and 3D! In the final chapter, you'll even learn how to extend your Processing skills by working directly with the powerful Java programming languagethe language Processing itself is built with.
You'll learn:
The fundamentals of creative computer programming—from procedural programming, to object-oriented programming, to pure Java programming
How to virtually draw, paint, and sculpt using computer code and clearly explained mathematical concepts
2D and 3D programming techniques, motion design, and cool graphics effects
How to code your own pixel-level imaging effects, such as image contrast, color saturation, custom gradients and more
Advanced animation techniques, including realistic physics and artificial life simulation
Summary of Contents
Chapter 1: Code Art
Chapter 2: Creative Coding
Chapter 3: Code Grammar 101
Chapter 4: Computer Graphics, the Fun, Easy Way
Chapter 5: The Processing Environment
Chapter 6: Lines
Chapter 7: Curves
Chapter 8: Object-Oriented Programming
Chapter 9: Shapes
Chapter 10: Color and Imaging
Chapter 11: Motion
Chapter 12: Interactivity
Chapter 13: 3D
Chapter 14: 3D Rendering in Java Mode
Appendix A: Processing Language API
Appendix B: Math Reference
Appendix C: Integrating Processing within Java
About the Author
With an eclectic background combining elements of painting and programming, Ira Greenberg has been a painter, 2D and 3D animator, print designer, web and interactive designer/developer, programmer, art director, creative director, managing director, art professor, and now author. He holds a BFA from Cornell University and an MFA from the University of Pennsylva...
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