This b00k orovides an introdUCtion to eeometric al eebra as anunified language for physics and mathematics. It containes extensiveapplications to classical mechanics in a textbook format suitablefor courses at an intermediate level. The text is supported by morethan 200 diagrams to help develop geometrical and physical intuition.Besides covering the standard material for a course on the mechanicsof particles and rigid bodies, the book introduces new, coordinate-free methods for rotational dynamics and orbital mechanics,developing these subjects to a level well beyond that of othertextbooks. These methods have been widely applied in recent yearsto biomechanics and robotics, to computer vision and geometricdesign, to orbital mechanics in governmental and industrial spaceprograms, as well as to other branches of physics. The book appliesthem to the major perturbations in the solar system, including theplanetary perturbations of Mercury's perihelion. Geometric algebra integrates conventional vector algebra (alongwith its established notations) into a system with all the advantagesof quaternions and spinors. Thus, it increases the power of themathematical language of classical mechanics while bringing itcloser to the language of quantum mechanics. This booksystematically develops purely mathematical applications ofgeometric algebra useful in physics, including extensive applicationsto linear algebra and transformation groups. It contains sufficientmaterial for a course on mathematical topics alone. The second edition has been expanded by nearly a hundredpages on relativistic mechanics. The treatment is unique in itsexclusive use of geometric algebra and in its detailed treatment ofspacetime maps, collisions, motion in uniform fields and relativisticprecession. It conforms with Einstein's view that the Special Theoryof Relativity is the culmination of developments in classicalmechanics
地理学思维与实践/朱鹤健 内容简介 地理学具有跨学科的交叉性,研究视野开阔、研究对象复杂,既有对自然规律的研究,又有对社会经济规律的研究,起着一种沟通自然系统与...
强非线性振动系统的定量分析 本书特色 本书是作者及其合作者长期以来在强非线性振动领域科研成果的系统总结。书中全面地介绍求解强非线性振动周期解的增量谐波平衡法(I...
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自然地理学 本书特色 本书是尝试为高等院校高年级本科生和研究生编写的自然地理学教材,其主要目的是在自然地理基础知识学习的基础上拓展思路,接触自然地理学的前沿研究...
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生物文明论 本书特色 环境问题、资源能源的枯竭、过度老龄化社会、赤字国债堆积如山,我们所面临的问题极为严峻。我们应该如何来应对这些问题?谁也无法想象。笔者从生物...
2009-2010-晶体学学科发展报告 内容简介 这份《晶体学学科发展报告(2009—2010)》主要包括综合报告及专题报告两大部分,全文按照科协要求,*后精简...