the first volume in this subseries of the encyclopaedia 1s meant to familiarize the reader with the discipline commutative harmonic analysis.
the first article is a thorough introduction,moving from fourier series to the fourier transform,and on to the group theoretic point ofview.numerous examples illustrate the connections to differential and integral equations,approximation theory,nutuber theory, probability theory and physics.the development of fourier analysis is discussed in a brief historical essay.
the second article focuses on some of the classical problems of fourier series;it’s a"mini—zygmund”for the beginner.the third article is the most modern of the three,concentrating on singular integral also contains an introduction to calderon-zygmund theory.
《国外数学名著系列(续1)(影印版)47:交换调和分析1(总论,古典问题)》主要内容包括:The first volume in this subseries of the Encyclopaedia 1S meant to familiarize the reader with the iscipline Commutative Harmonic AnalysiS.The first article is a thorough introduction,moving from Fourier series to the Fourier transform,and on to the group theoretic point ofview.Numerous examples illustrate the connections to differential and integral equationS,approximation theory,nutuber theory, probability theory and physics.The development of Fourier analysis is discussed in a brief historical essay.The second article focuses on some of the classical problems of Fourier series;it’S a"mini-Zygmund”for the beginner.The third article is the most modern of the three,concentrating on singular integral operators.It also contains an introduction to Calderon-Zygmund theory.
《国外数学名著系列(续1)(影印版)47:交换调和分析1(总论,古典问题)》主要内容包括:The first volume in this subseries of the Encyclopaedia 1S meant to familiarize the reader with the iscipline Commutative Harmonic AnalysiS.The first article is a thorough introduction,moving from Fourier series to the Fourier transform,and on to the group theoretic point ofview.Numerous examples illustrate the connections to differential and integral equationS,approximation theory,nutuber theory, probability theory and physics.The development of Fourier analysis is discussed in a brief historical essay.The second article focuses on some of the classical problems of Fourier series;it’S a"mini-Zygmund”for the beginner.The third article is the most modern of the three,concentrating on singular integral operators.It also contains an introduction to Calderon-Zygmund theory.
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